CSL Works

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As long as the publishers will allow, all materials posted here are publications from CSL staff or CSL supported scholars. Works may be published in discipline related outlets as well as here.


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    The Integrated Community-Engaged Learning and Ethical Reflection (ICELER) Faculty Learning Community Curriculum: 2018-2022
    (2023-12-18) Price, Mary F.; Coleman, Martin A.; Fore, Grant A.; Hess, Justin L.; Sorge, Brandon H.; Hahn, Tom; Sanders, Elizabeth; Nyarko, Samuel Cornelius
    The Integrated Community-Engaged Learning and Ethical Reflection (ICELER) project was funded under the NSF’s Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM program (Award #1737157) in 2017 as a five-year institutional transformation grant (see Fore et al., 2018). The ICELER project approaches institutional transformation in teaching and learning on multiple levels including individual and departmental. To effect changes at these two levels, the research team used a faculty learning community (FLC) as a core intervention in the project. This document provides background information on the curriculum used in this FLC, including descriptions of the design features and activities. This report includes an appendices section as well that includes sample assignments and tools used over the four years that the FLC was active. This report is intended as a resource for those interested in learning from, replicating, or adapting it for their own work with faculty.
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    The Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale II (TRES II) Reflection Framework: Version 2
    (2022-04) Clayton, Patti H.; Camo-Biogradlija, Jasmina; Kniffin, Lori E.; Price, Mary F.; Bringle, Robert G.; Pier, Alyssa A.
    The Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale Reflection Framework (TRES II Reflection Framework, Version 2) is a critical reflection tool designed for all participants in community-campus relationships to generate actionable learning regarding their collective work and to serve as an intervention to deepen those relationships. This tool was designed to accompany the Transformational Relationship Evaluation Scale II (TRES II), which on its own has documented utility to enhance partnership inquiry and practice (Kniffin et. al., 2020). The TRES II Reflection Framework broadens and deepens the scale with intentionally-designed prompts structured using the DEAL Model of Critical Reflection (Ash & Clayton, 2009). Authors’ Note: This version of the TRES II Reflection Framework was last updated in April, 2022, and a PDF file can be accessed at the link provided in the recommended reference. Contact Patti Clayton, patti.clayton@curricularengagement.com, for an editable Word file and/or future versions.
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    (2009) Clayton, Patti; Moses; Ash, Sarah
    DEAL Model Critical Thinking Rubric
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    Civic-Minded Career Readiness Competencies.
    (2020-01-15) Brown, Lorrie A.; Studer, Morgan L.
    Higher education is increasingly being called to not only ensure that students are prepared to enter the labor market but also that they are prepared to thrive and contribute to society within and beyond their specific field. A focus on civic-mindedness in career development adds value to career readiness creating a more well-rounded graduate for a global workforce that is increasingly calling for employees to demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions that include working with diverse others, communicating across difference, and valuing the contributions they can make towards the public good. Drawing on the Civic-Minded Graduate framework and NACE’s top eight Career Readiness Competencies, we have reframed the language of the career readiness competencies to help career development professionals intentionally design for the integration of civic learning and career readiness.
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    Perceptions of IUPUI Faculty and Staff Regarding the Center for Service and Learning Faculty/Staff Development Programs
    (IUPUI ScholarWorks, 2019-08-06) Makki Alamdari, Sara; Hahn, Thomas; Price, Mary F.; Studer, Morgan
    The purpose of this evaluation was to understand perceptions of IUPUI faculty and staff regarding the influence of the Center for Service and Learning’s (CSL) programs and resources on respondents. Specifically, the evaluation was intended to deepen CSL’s understanding of respondents’ experiences as community-engaged professionals at IUPUI. Additionally, the evaluation sought to gather input on new ideas to strengthen CSL services and programming going forward. IUPUI faculty and staff who have participated in CSL workshops, trainings, and/or requested information from CSL were emailed during the fall of 2018 and asked to participate in the Qualtrics survey. The survey was anonymous. This report shares overall findings from the survey and provides general recommendations.
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    High‐Impact Practices: The Call for a Commitment to Quality Educational Experiences and Inclusive Excellence
    (2018) Springer, Jennifer Thorington; Hatcher, Julie A.; Powell, Amy
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    Civic-Minded Professional Scale
    (Dissertation, 2008-08) Hatcher, Julie A.