Investigating the Impact of Control Modes to Competency and Engagement in Serious Game Play for Children with ADHD
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Serious games are designed to reduce symptoms of attention deficit among children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These games predominantly use touchscreen interfaces that children with ADHD play in a sitting position, which contributes to already-problematic sedentary behaviors. In an effort to mitigate negative impacts of sedentary behavior, we set out to investigate the use of Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) mats with serious games to induce gross movements. To that end, we designed and implemented Breathtaking Glass Bridge to investigate the impact of interface (DDR vs. touchscreen) on competency and engagement in children with ADHD. Our investigation with 30 children with ADHD reveal that the DDR mat was as engaging as the conventional touchscreen interface despite relatively lower competence shown by our participants. Our study opens new research opportunities for developing and strategically using movement-based control interfaces to encourage gross movements while reducing attention deficit symptoms among children with ADHD.