Failure of an Educational Intervention to Improve Consultation and Implications for Healthcare Consultation.
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Consultation of another physician for his or her specialized expertise regarding a patient's care is a common occurrence in most physicians' daily practice, especially in the emergency department (ED). Therefore, the ability to communicate effectively with another physician during a patient consultation is an essential skill. However, there has been limited research on a standardized method for a physician to physician consultation with little guidance on teaching consultations to physicians in training. The objective of our study was to measure the effect of a structured consultation intervention on both content standardization and quality of medical student consultations. METHODS:
Senior medical students were assessed on a required emergency medicine rotation with a physician phone consultation during a standardized, simulated chest pain case. The intervention groups received a standard consult checklist as part of their orientation to the rotation, followed by a video recording of a good consult call and a bad consult call with commentary from an emergency physician. The intervention was given to students every other month, alternating with a control group who received no additional education. Recordings were reviewed by three second-year internal medicine residents pursuing a fellowship in cardiology. Each recording was evaluated by two of the three reviewers and scored using a standardized checklist. RESULTS:
Providing a standardized consultation intervention did not improve students' ability to communicate with consultants. In addition, there was variability between evaluators in regards to how they received the same information and how they perceived the quality of the same recorded consultation calls. Evaluator inter-rater reliability (IRR) was poor on the questions of 1) would you have any other questions of the student calling the consult and 2) did the student calling the consult provide an accurate account of information and case detail. The IRR was also poor on objective data such as whether the student stated their name. CONCLUSIONS:
A brief intervention may not be enough to change complex behavior such as a physician to physician consultant communication. Importantly, despite consultants listening to the same audio recordings, the information was processed differently. Future investigations should focus on both those delivering as well as those receiving a consultation.