Department of Communication Studies Works

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    Fieldwork to framework: exploring intergroup dialogue interculturally
    (Indiana University, 2024-07-25) Holton, Lauren; Longtin, Krista
    This research project explores the benefits of intergroup dialogue (IGD) for intercultural communication with students from the University of Wroclaw and IUI. Through facilitated discussions, I (LH) observed how participants interact with one another in exploring their own identities, beliefs, and biases in contrast to learning about other peers’ experiences and points of view. Students from both institutions had the opportunity to have open dialogue in groups. I explored how the respectful conversation approach of IGD can build intercultural bridges, foster empathy, and reduce prejudices. Overall, the study used IGD to address challenges shaping how we work together interculturally now and in the future.
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    Nursing Student Evaluation of NIOSH Workplace Violence Prevention for Nurses Online Course
    (Elsevier, 2017) Brann, Maria; Hartley, Dan; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
    Introduction: As primary targets of workplace violence in health care settings, nurses may suffer negative physical and psychological consequences. NIOSH created an online course to educate nurses about violence prevention techniques. Method: A mixed-methods approach assessed workplace violence awareness and knowledge among nursing students. A pre/post/post-test survey and focus group discussions evaluated participant awareness and knowledge, assessed course design, and solicited recommendations for increasing participation and strategies for improving message retention. Results: The mean awareness scores differed significantly between pre-course and both post-course time points (Wilk's λ=0.319, F(2, 46)=49.01, p<0.001). Post hoc tests using the Bonferroni correction revealed that course participation increased awareness of workplace violence from pre-course scores (M=0.75, SD=0.438) to immediate post-course (M=2.13, SD=0.789) and four-week post-course (M=1.96, SD=0.771) scores on a 3-item measure. Similarly, mean knowledge scores increased between pre-course and both post-course time points (Wilk's λ=0.495, F(1.57, 73.66)=37.26, p<0.001). Post hoc tests using the Bonferroni correction revealed that course participation increased knowledge of workplace violence from pre-course scores (M=6.65, SD=1.45) to immediate post-course (M=8.56, SD=1.32) and four-week post-course (M=8.19, SD=1.42) scores on a 10-item measure. Qualitative data from the focus groups reinforced the quantitative findings. Participants citing benefits from the content strongly recommended including the course in nursing curriculums. Incorporating the course early in the nursing educational experience will better prepare students to deal with workplace violence when they enter health care professions. Conclusions: The results indicate that NIOSH and its partners created an effective online workplace violence awareness and prevention course. Practical applications: Nursing students and professionals can be effectively educated about workplace violence using an online format.
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    Learning from Black/African American Participants: Applying the Integrated Behavioral Model to Assess Recruitment Strategies for a Glaucoma Genetic Study
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) Kikut, Ava; Sanyal, Mohima; Vaughn, Marquis; Ridley-Merriweather, Katherine Ellen; Head, Katharine; Salowe, Rebecca; Lomax-Reese, Sara; Lewis, Monica; Ross, Ahmara G.; Cui, Qi N.; Addis, Victoria; Sankar, Prithvi S.; Miller-Ellis, Eydie; O’Brien, Joan M.; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
    The underrepresentation of African American (AA) participants in medical research perpetuates racial health disparities in the United States. Open-ended phone interviews were conducted with 50 AA adults from Philadelphia who had previously participated in a genetic study of glaucoma that included complimentary ophthalmic screenings. Recruitment for the genetic study was done in partnership with a Black-owned radio station. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts, guided by the integrated behavior model (IBM), identified self-reported motivations for participating in this care-focused and community-promoted research program. Findings revealed that decisions to enroll were influenced by strong instrumental attitudes regarding learning more about personal health and contributing to future care options for others. Notable normative influences that factored into participants’ decisions to enroll in the study included hearing about the study from a respected community media outlet, friends, and family. About one-third of respondents discussed past and current racial discrimination in medical research as an important sociocultural frame within which they thought about participation, suggesting that experiential attitudes play a continuing role in AA’s decisions to enroll in medical research studies. Medical researchers seeking to recruit AA participants should collaborate with community partners, combine enrollment opportunities with access to health services, and emphasize the potential for new research to mitigate racial inequalities.
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    Factors associated with HPV vaccination initiation among United States college students
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021) McLendon, Lane; Puckett, Jesse; Green, Chelsea; James, Jenna; Head, Katharine J.; Lee, Hee Yun; Young Pierce, Jennifer; Beasley, Mark; Daniel, Casey L.; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) remains the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the U.S. despite widespread availability of a safe, effective vaccine. Although young adults are at greatest risk of HPV infection, extensive vaccine promotion and intervention efforts has been directed toward 11-12-year-olds. College students represent an ideal audience for HPV vaccine "catch-up;" however, research indicates inconsistent HPV vaccination rates within this demographic. An online survey assessing HPV and HPV vaccine knowledge and behaviors was distributed to all undergraduate college students at a large, public university in the Deep South region of the U.S. The primary outcome was receipt of HPV vaccination (binary response options of Yes/No). Logistic regression analyses were performed to determine predictors of HPV vaccination. Of the 1,725 who completed the survey, 47.0% reported having received at least one dose of HPV vaccine; overall series completion (series = 3 doses for this population) was 17.4%. The primary outcome was HPV initiation among college students, defined as having received at least one dose of the HPV vaccine. Results indicated substantial gaps in participants' knowledge of their vaccination status. Provider and parental recommendations as well as social influences were shown to significantly impact student vaccination status, emphasizing the importance of incorporating these elements in future interventions, potentially as multi-level strategies. Future college interventions should address HPV and vaccination knowledge and the importance of provider and parental recommendations.
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    The AIMS approach: Regulating receptivity in patient-provider vaccine conversations
    (Frontiers, 2023-06-01) Parrish-Sprowl, John; Thomson, Angus; Johnson, Rodger D.; Parrish-Sprowl, Susan; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
    The World Health Organization named vaccine hesitancy a leading global health threat of modern time. Addressing this public health issue requires a multi-front strategy, one such strategic effort is training health care professionals to respond to reluctant patients/caregivers or those who refuse vaccines. AIMS (Announce, Inquire, Mirror, and Secure) is designed to help HCPs engaged in more productive conversations with patients/caregivers to secure trust, a key behavior leading to higher vaccination rates.
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    The association of news media with anxiety in food allergic children and their parents
    (Wiley, 2022-01) Bute, Jennifer J.; Martins, Nicole; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
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    Creating Choice and Building Consensus: Invitational Rhetoric as a Strategy to Promote Vasectomies in the United States
    (University of Florida Press, 2022-03-03) Longtin, Krista; Binion, Kelsey; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
    According to a recent study by the Brookings Institution (Reeves & Krause, 2016), vasectomies are safer, more effective, and less expensive than most other voluntary sterilization methods. While the procedure has grown in popularity in recent years, particularly in the United Kingdom and Canada, it is much less common in the United States. This discrepancy can be attributed to both social (a perception that contraception is “women’s work”) and policy-­based factors (lack of coverage under the Affordable Care Act). This paper examines the role and extent to which invitational rhetoric could be a useful communicative lens for both partners and providers considering vasectomies, thus increasing access to and utilization of the safe, effective, and affordable procedure. In this policy brief, we suggest strategies for incorporating invitational rhetoric into health professions education curricula, patient counseling literature, and policy language in order to address some of the social stigma around the procedure.
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    Examining gain- and loss-framed messages in a novel breast cancer screening/cardiovascular context: Does framing matter?
    (Elsevier, 2021-11-13) Head, Katharine J.; Grant Harrington, Nancy; Schnur, Julie B.; Margolies, Laurie; Montgomery, Guy H.; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
    Objective: Digital mammography can reveal not only breast cancer but also breast arterial calcification (BAC), which can indicate potential coronary artery disease. To explore ways to inform women of their BAC status in the context of a standard mammography results letter, we conducted a preliminary study comparing gain- and loss-framed messages to encourage follow-up cardiovascular care. Methods: U.S. women over age 40 with no heart disease history (N = 227) were randomly assigned to view a mammography letter including BAC information in one of seven ways (three gain-framed messages, three loss-framed messages, one comparison message). Results: Post-test measures indicated no significant differences on BAC knowledge, recall of test results and recommendations, perceived message effectiveness, or behavioral intentions for follow-up. Conclusion: Despite showing no significant differences between message conditions, results supported the messages' ability to clearly convey BAC information and encourage intention for follow-up cardiovascular care. Innovation: This experimental study represents the first published report examining the inclusion of BAC screening results within the mammography letter. It also explored the use of message framing in a dual detection-prevention context and suggests that future work should test the effects of including both framing tactics in messages designed to target dual-focus contexts.
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    Validation of a Brief Measure for Complicated Grief Specific to Reproductive Loss
    (Springer Nature, 2023-04-20) Buskmiller, Cara; Grauerholz, Kathryn R.; Bute, Jennifer; Brann, Maria; Fredenburg, Michaelene; Refuerzo, Jerrie S.; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
    Objective: Complicated grief reactions follow some pregnancy outcomes, like miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, infant death, selective reduction, or termination of pregnancy. Stigma can delay treatment and worsen outcomes. Screening tools such as the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale detect complicated grief poorly, and specific tools for prolonged or complicated grief after a reproductive loss are cumbersome. In this study, a five-item questionnaire to detect complicated grief after reproductive loss of any type was designed and preliminary validated. Methods: A questionnaire patterned after the extensively validated Brief Grief Questionnaire (BGQ) was created by a group of physicians and lay advocates to employ non-traumatic but specific language related to grief after miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, infant death, selective reduction, or termination of pregnancy. One hundred and forty women at a large academic center were recruited in person and via social media to validate the questionnaire with well-studied instruments for anxiety (7-item Panic Disorder Severity Scale, PDSS), trauma (22-item Impact of Events Scale), and reproductive grief and depressive symptoms (33-item Perinatal Grief Scale [PGS]). Results: The response rate was 74.9%. Of the 140 participants, 18 (12.8%) experienced their loss during high-risk pregnancies, and 65 (46.4%) were recruited via social media. Seventy-one (51%) respondents had a score > 4, a positive screen for the BGQ. On average, women experienced their loss 2 years prior to participation (IQR 1-5 years). Cronbach's alpha was 0.77 (95% CI: 0.69-0.83). The goodness of fit indices of the model met Fornell and Larker criteria (RMSEA = 0.167, CFI = 0.89, SRMR = 0.06). The AVE was 0.42 and the CR 0.78. Conclusions: This investigator-created screening tool is internally consistent and meets preliminary criteria for discriminant validity. This tool can be refined prior to testing for sensitivity and specificity in screening for complicated grief after a reproductive loss.
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    “How is it going to help?”: Exploring Black breast cancer patients’ questions about biomarker testing to predict chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
    (Elsevier, 2022-12-13) Head, Katharine J.; Hayes, Lisa R.; Miller, Nadia E.; Shakil, Safia; Bales, Casey L.; Schneider, Bryan P.; Communication Studies, School of Liberal Arts
    Objective: Many Black breast cancer patients experience chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). Our study assessed Black breast cancer patients' questions about a biomarker test that can predict likelihood of CIPN. Methods: Nineteen Black women who were previous/current breast cancer patients participated in focus groups. Researchers briefly explained CIPN and the biomarker test, and then participants were asked what questions they would have about the test and its use in treatment decisions. These participant-voiced questions composed the data for this study and were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: Participants' questions centered on six themes: reasons for the test, effect on timeline of breast cancer treatment, testing procedure, limits of test (including accuracy), research done to develop this test (including research participants), and concerns about personal information connected to the test (including DNA). Conclusion: This study provides an exploratory look at questions that Black breast cancer patients may have about toxicity biomarker testing use in breast cancer treatment decisions. Innovation: These findings provide a starting point for developing patient-centered approaches for integrating this precision medicine tool into clinical care. The methodological choice to generate participants' questions (rather than answers to a question) led to robust, actionable data.