Christie Orschell

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Side effects of cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy include destruction of bone marrow stem and progenitor cells. These cells help the body fight against life-threatening infection and hemorrhage. Exposure from radiological terrorism or accidents also leads to severe bone marrow damage. There are many FDA-approved medications to help bone marrow recovery after cancer treatment, but currently only two approved medical countermeasures (MCM) for individuals exposed to lethal doses of radiation. These medications, Neupogen and Neulasta, are “repurposed” from the cancer field.

Dr. Christie Orschell’s laboratory developed mouse models of the Hematopoietic-Acute Radiation Syndrome (H-ARS) and the Delayed Effects of Acute Radiation Exposure (DEARE) for efficacy testing of MCM against radiation according to the FDA Animal Rule. Under the Animal Rule, which guides drug development when human efficacy studies are unethical or unfeasible, development of radiation MCMs must first use animal models. Her models contributed to the approval of Neupogen and Neulasta, and have been promoted by the NIH to undergo qualification as a “drug development tool” by the FDA, which would allow the model to be publicly available for use in drug development programs and included in FDA submissions without the need to reconfirm suitability of the model.

Dr. Orschell’s work to develop animal models for radiation drug discovery is another example of how IUPUI faculty are TRANSLATING RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 10 of 28
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    Corrigendum: Polypharmacy to Mitigate Acute and Delayed Radiation Syndromes
    (Frontiers Media, 2021-08-25) Gasperetti, Tracy; Miller, Tessa; Gao, Feng; Narayanan, Jayashree; Jacobs, Elizabeth R.; Szabo, Aniko; Cox, George N.; Orschell, Christie M.; Fish, Brian L.; Medhora, Meetha; Medicine, School of Medicine
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2021.634477.].
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    Aging-Related Reduced Expression of CXCR4 on Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Contributes to Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Defects
    (SpringerLink, 2020-08) Singh, Pratibha; Kacena, Melissa A.; Orschell, Christie M.; Pelus, Louis M.; Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
    Aging impairs the regenerative potential of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and skews differentiation towards the myeloid lineage. The bone marrow (BM) microenvironment has recently been suggested to influence HSC aging, however the mechanisms whereby BM stromal cells mediate this effect is unknown. Here we show that aging-associated decreased expression of CXCR4 expression on BM mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) plays a crucial role in the development of the hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) aging phenotype. The BM MSC from old mice was sufficient to drive a premature aging phenotype of young HSPC when cultured together ex vivo. The impaired ability of old MSC to support HSPC function is associated with reduced expression of CXCR4 on BM MSC of old mice. Deletion of the CXCR4 gene in young MSC accelerates an aging phenotype in these cells characterized by increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA damage, senescence, and reduced proliferation. Culture of HSPC from young mice with CXCR4 deficient MSC also from young mice led to a premature aging phenotype in the young HSPC, as evidenced by reduced hematopoietic regeneration and enhanced myeloid differentiation. Mechanistically, CXCR4 signaling prevents BM MSC dysfunction by suppressing oxidative stress, as treatment of old or CXCR4 deficient MSC with N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), improved their niche supporting activity, and attenuated the HSPC aging phenotype. Our studies suggest that age-associated reduction in CXCR4 expression on BM MSC impairs hematopoietic niche activity with increased ROS production, driving an HSC aging phenotype. Thus, modulation of the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis in MSC may lead to novel interventions to alleviate the age-associated decline in immune/hematopoietic function.
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    Prostaglandin E2 Enhances Aged Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function
    (Springer, 2021-10) Patterson, Andrea M.; Plett, P. Artur; Sampson, Carol H.; Simpson, Edward; Liu, Yunlong; Pelus, Louis M.; Orschell, Christie M.; Medicine, School of Medicine
    Aging of hematopoiesis is associated with increased frequency and clonality of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), along with functional compromise and myeloid bias, with donor age being a significant variable in survival after HSC transplantation. No clinical methods currently exist to enhance aged HSC function, and little is known regarding how aging affects molecular responses of HSCs to biological stimuli. Exposure of HSCs from young fish, mice, nonhuman primates, and humans to 16,16-dimethyl prostaglandin E2 (dmPGE2) enhances transplantation, but the effect of dmPGE2 on aged HSCs is unknown. Here we show that ex vivo pulse of bone marrow cells from young adult (3 mo) and aged (25 mo) mice with dmPGE2 prior to serial competitive transplantation significantly enhanced long-term repopulation from aged grafts in primary and secondary transplantation (27 % increase in chimerism) to a similar degree as young grafts (21 % increase in chimerism; both p < 0.05). RNA sequencing of phenotypically-isolated HSCs indicated that the molecular responses to dmPGE2 are similar in young and old, including CREB1 activation and increased cell survival and homeostasis. Common genes within these pathways identified likely key mediators of HSC enhancement by dmPGE2 and age-related signaling differences. HSC expression of the PGE2 receptor EP4, implicated in HSC function, increased with age in both mRNA and surface protein. This work suggests that aging does not alter the major dmPGE2 response pathways in HSCs which mediate enhancement of both young and old HSC function, with significant implications for expanding the therapeutic potential of elderly HSC transplantation.
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    Polypharmacy to Mitigate Acute and Delayed Radiation Syndromes
    (Frontiers Media, 2021-05-17) Gasperetti, Tracy; Miller, Tessa; Gao, Feng; Narayanan, Jayashree; Jacobs, Elizabeth R.; Szabo, Aniko; Cox, George N.; Orschell, Christie M.; Fish, Brian L.; Medhora, Meetha; Medicine, School of Medicine
    There is a need for countermeasures to mitigate lethal acute radiation syndrome (ARS) and delayed effects of acute radiation exposure (DEARE). In WAG/RijCmcr rats, ARS occurs by 30-days following total body irradiation (TBI), and manifests as potentially lethal gastrointestinal (GI) and hematopoietic (H-ARS) toxicities after >12.5 and >7 Gy, respectively. DEARE, which includes potentially lethal lung and kidney injuries, is observed after partial body irradiation >12.5 Gy, with one hind limb shielded (leg-out PBI). The goal of this study is to enhance survival from ARS and DEARE by polypharmacy, since no monotherapy has demonstrated efficacy to mitigate both sets of injuries. For mitigation of ARS following 7.5 Gy TBI, a combination of three hematopoietic growth factors (polyethylene glycol (PEG) human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (hG-CSF), PEG murine granulocyte-macrophage-CSF (mGM-CSF), and PEG human Interleukin (hIL)-11), which have shown survival efficacy in murine models of H-ARS were tested. This triple combination (TC) enhanced survival by 30-days from ∼25% to >60%. The TC was then combined with proven medical countermeasures for GI-ARS and DEARE, namely enrofloxacin, saline and the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, lisinopril. This combination of ARS and DEARE mitigators improved survival from GI-ARS, H-ARS, and DEARE after 7.5 Gy TBI or 13 Gy PBI. Circulating blood cell recovery as well as lung and kidney function were also improved by TC + lisinopril. Taken together these results demonstrate an efficacious polypharmacy to mitigate radiation-induced ARS and DEARE in rats.
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    The Access Technology Program of the Indiana Clinical Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI): A model to facilitate access to cutting-edge technologies across a state
    (Cambridge, 2021) Orschell, Christie M.; Skaar, Todd C.; DeFord, Melanie E.; Ybe, Joel; Driscol, Julie; Drury, Christine; Reeves, Lilith; Willis, Monte S.; Reiter, Jill L.; York, Jenna; Orr, Rob; McClintick, Jeanette N.; Sors, Thomas G.; Hunt, Joe; Cornetta, Kenneth; Shekhar, Anantha; Medicine, School of Medicine
    Introduction: Access to cutting-edge technologies is essential for investigators to advance translational research. The Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) spans three major and preeminent universities, four large academic campuses across the state of Indiana, and is mandate to provide best practices to a whole state. Methods: To address the need to facilitate the availability of innovative technologies to its investigators, the Indiana CTSI implemented the Access Technology Program (ATP). The activities of the ATP, or any program of the Indiana CTSI, are challenged to connect technologies and investigators on the multiple Indiana CTSI campuses by the geographical distances between campuses (1–4 hr driving time). Results: Herein, we describe the initiatives developed by the ATP to increase the availability of state-of-the-art technologies to its investigators on all Indiana CTSI campuses, and the methods developed by the ATP to bridge the distance between campuses, technologies, and investigators for the advancement of clinical translational research. Conclusions: The methods and practices described in this publication may inform other approaches to enhance translational research, dissemination, and usage of innovative technologies by translational investigators, especially when distance or multi-campus cultural differences are factors to efficient application.
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    Mitigating oxygen stress enhances aged mouse hematopoietic stem cell numbers and function
    (American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2021-01-04) Capitano, Maegan L.; Mohamad, Safa F.; Cooper, Scott; Guo, Bin; Huang, Xinxin; Gunawan, Andrea M.; Sampson, Carol; Ropa, James; Srour, Edward F.; Orschell, Christie M.; Broxmeyer, Hal E.; Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
    Bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) become dysfunctional during aging (i.e., they are increased in number but have an overall reduction in long-term repopulation potential and increased myeloid differentiation) compared with young HSCs, suggesting limited use of old donor BM cells for hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). BM cells reside in an in vivo hypoxic environment yet are evaluated after collection and processing in ambient air. We detected an increase in the number of both young and aged mouse BM HSCs collected and processed in 3% O2 compared with the number of young BM HSCs collected and processed in ambient air (~21% O2). Aged BM collected and processed under hypoxic conditions demonstrated enhanced engraftment capability during competitive transplantation analysis and contained more functional HSCs as determined by limiting dilution analysis. Importantly, the myeloid-to-lymphoid differentiation ratio of aged BM collected in 3% O2 was similar to that detected in young BM collected in ambient air or hypoxic conditions, consistent with the increased number of common lymphoid progenitors following collection under hypoxia. Enhanced functional activity and differentiation of old BM collected and processed in hypoxia correlated with reduced “stress” associated with ambient air BM collection and suggests that aged BM may be better and more efficiently used for HCT if collected and processed under hypoxia so that it is never exposed to ambient air O2.
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    Development of a Model of the Acute and Delayed Effects of High Dose Radiation Exposure in Jackson Diversity Outbred Mice; Comparison to Inbred C57BL/6 Mice
    (Wolters Kluwer, 2020-11) Patterson, Andrea M.; Plett, P. Artur; Chua, Hui Lin; Sampson, Carol H.; Fisher, Alexa; Feng, Hailin; Unthank, Joseph L.; Miller, Steve J.; Katz, Barry P.; MacVittie, Thomas J.; Orschell, Christie M.; Medicine, School of Medicine
    Development of medical countermeasures against radiation relies on robust animal models for efficacy testing. Mouse models have advantages over larger species due to economics, ease of conducting aging studies, existence of historical databases, and research tools allowing for sophisticated mechanistic studies. However, the radiation dose-response relationship of inbred strains is inherently steep and sensitive to experimental variables, and inbred models have been criticized for lacking genetic diversity. Jackson Diversity Outbred (JDO) mice are the most genetically diverse strain available, developed by the Collaborative Cross Consortium using eight founder strains, and may represent a more accurate model of humans than inbred strains. Herein, models of the Hematopoietic-Acute Radiation Syndrome and the Delayed Effects of Acute Radiation Exposure were developed in JDO mice and compared to inbred C57BL/6. The dose response relationship curve in JDO mice mirrored the more shallow curves of primates and humans, characteristic of genetic diversity. JDO mice were more radioresistant than C57BL/6 and differed in sensitivity to antibiotic countermeasures. The model was validated with pegylated-G-CSF, which provided significantly enhanced 30-d survival and accelerated blood recovery. Long-term JDO survivors exhibited increased recovery of blood cells and functional bone marrow hematopoietic progenitors compared to C57BL/6. While JDO hematopoietic stem cells declined more in number, they maintained a greater degree of quiescence compared to C57BL/6, which is essential for maintaining function. These JDO radiation models offer many of the advantages of small animals with the genetic diversity of large animals, providing an attractive alternative to currently available radiation animal models.
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    Team Science to maximize rapid collection and analyses of biosamples from patients with Covid-19
    (Cambridge, 2021) Moe, Sharon M.; Patz, Brooke; Liu, Yunlong; Orschell, Christie; Yu, Andy; Denne, Scott; Embi, Peter; Foroud, Tatiana; Medicine, School of Medicine
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    A Single Radioprotective Dose of Prostaglandin E2 Blocks Irradiation-Induced Apoptotic Signaling and Early Cycling of Hematopoietic Stem Cells
    (Elsevier, 2020-07-30) Patterson, Andrea M.; Liu, Liqiong; Sampson, Carol H.; Plett, P. Artur; Li, Hongge; Singh, Pratibha; Mohammad, Khalid S.; Hoggatt, Jonathan; Capitano, Maegan L.; Orschell, Christie M.; Pelus, Louis M.; Medicine, School of Medicine
    Ionizing radiation exposure results in acute and delayed bone marrow suppression. Treatment of mice with 16,16-dimethyl prostaglandin E2 (dmPGE2) prior to lethal ionizing radiation (IR) facilitates survival, but the cellular and molecular mechanisms are unclear. In this study we show that dmPGE2 attenuates loss and enhances recovery of bone marrow cellularity, corresponding to a less severe hematopoietic stem cell nadir, and significantly preserves long-term repopulation capacity and progenitor cell function. Mechanistically, dmPGE2 suppressed hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) proliferation through 24 h post IR, which correlated with fewer DNA double-strand breaks and attenuation of apoptosis, mitochondrial compromise, oxidative stress, and senescence. RNA sequencing of HSCs at 1 h and 24 h post IR identified a predominant interference with IR-induced p53-downstream gene expression at 1 h, and confirmed the suppression of IR-induced cell-cycle genes at 24 h. These data identify mechanisms of dmPGE2 radioprotection and its potential role as a medical countermeasure against radiation exposure.
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    Fate of Hematopoiesis During Aging. What Do We Really Know, and What are its Implications?
    (Springer Nature, 2020-11-03) Broxmeyer, Hal E.; Liu, Yan; Kapur, Reuben; Orschell, Christie M.; Aljoufi, Arafat; Ropa, James P.; Trinh, Thao; Burns, Sarah; Capitano, Maegan L.; Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine
    There is an ongoing shift in demographics such that older persons will outnumber young persons in the coming years, and with it age-associated tissue attrition and increased diseases and disorders. There has been increased information on the association of the aging process with dysregulation of hematopoietic stem (HSC) and progenitor (HPC) cells, and hematopoiesis. This review provides an extensive up-to date summary on the literature of aged hematopoiesis and HSCs placed in context of potential artifacts of the collection and processing procedure, that may not be totally representative of the status of HSCs in their in vivo bone marrow microenvironment, and what the implications of this are for understanding aged hematopoiesis. This review covers a number of interactive areas, many of which have not been adequately explored. There are still many unknowns and mechanistic insights to be elucidated to better understand effects of aging on the hematopoietic system, efforts that will take multidisciplinary approaches, and that could lead to means to ameliorate at least some of the dysregulation of HSCs and HPCs associated with the aging process.