Sunil Badve

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Sunil Badve's translational research efforts on efficient treatment of breast cancer have a two-pronged approach; developing novel targeted therapies on the one hand and identifying ineffective therapies on the other. His team is studying the individual biological components that culminate in cancer. Gaining a better understanding of these molecular mechanisms will enable identification of key "nodes" in cellular pathways, which can then be targeted by biological agents leading to better diagnosis and effective treatment of breast cancer.

Dr. Badve demonstrated that the FoxA1 protein plays a critical role in determining responses to anti-hormonal therapy IU patent, being licensed. His group has developed a gene signature useful for predicting brain metastasis (IU patent pending) and is currently, with (IU and non-IU) collaborators, trying to dissect the pathways associated with brain metastasis with the hope of preventing and treating this disease. He is also collaborating with IU and Purdue researchers to develop novel methods of detecting and treating breast cancer.

Dr. Badve's practical application of research into information that can be used by local clinicians in treating breast cancer is another example of how IUPUI's faculty members are TRANSLATING their RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE.
