Feasibility Of Ecological Momentary Assessment Of Surrogates For Cognitively Impaired Icu Patients: A Pilot Study
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We explore the feasibility of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) with surrogate decision makers (SDMs) of critically ill hospitalized adults, to obtain in-the-moment participant-reported data. In this small pilot, 23 SDMs were approached. 82.6% were white, 53.9% were female, and 53.9% were 55 years and older. 25% were spouse or partner, 25% were adult children, 30% were parents, and 20% were other relations. Average ICU length of stay was 13.46 days (range 1.73-77.79). 13 SDMs enrolled (56.52%). Using Twilio, an automated text was sent to SDMs containing a secure link to the surveys. Up to five questions about anxiety, depression, distress, communication, and spiritual well-being were sent up to twice per day. Most participants (84.62%) completed EMA surveys for 5 or more days. Most SDMs stated that the surveys were not burdensome. Of those who declined participation (n= 10), accessibility to a smartphone, stress, and availability to complete texted surveys were noted as barriers to participation. The data suggest that EMA is a valuable tool to inform clinical interventionists and care providers interacting with SDMs. Future research will assess EMA with a larger group of SDMs, utilizing questions that help identify gaps in communication and opportunities to provide support to SDMs. Although surrogates are often under high stress in the ICU setting, they are willing to provide real-time EMA feedback on their experiences. EMA can provide a “just in time” option for research and clinical intervention that focuses on bridging gaps that may contribute to better outcomes for SDMs.