Guidance for reporting analyses of metadata on electronic health record use
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Introduction: Research on how people interact with electronic health records (EHRs) increasingly involves the analysis of metadata on EHR use. These metadata can be recorded unobtrusively and capture EHR use at a scale unattainable through direct observation or self-reports. However, there is substantial variation in how metadata on EHR use are recorded, analyzed and described, limiting understanding, replication, and synthesis across studies.
Recommendations: In this perspective, we provide guidance to those working with EHR use metadata by describing 4 common types, how they are recorded, and how they can be aggregated into higher-level measures of EHR use. We also describe guidelines for reporting analyses of EHR use metadata-or measures of EHR use derived from them-to foster clarity, standardization, and reproducibility in this emerging and critical area of research.