Assessment Reports AY 2020-2021

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    Spring 2021 Community Engagement Associates (CEA) Program Questionnaire Report
    (2021-09-13) Hahn, Thomas W.
    The CEA program is an employment program in which community engaged faculty and staff apply for and receive funding to employ students to provide support for courses, programs, or projects that advance the community engagement mission of IUPUI. This report details both a direct assessment of CEAs by their faculty/staff mentors and an indirect assessment of CEAs-a confidential survey of CEAs was administered in spring2021 to gather their perceptions of the program, their learning, and provide opportunities to expand on their responses. A total of 65of 72students responded for a response rate of 90%.
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    The IUPUI Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR)
    (National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, 2021-03) Daday, Jerry; Hahn, Thomas W.; Morrical, Erica
    In 2016, IUPUI began its participation in an effort led by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) and NASPA: Association of Student Personnel Administrators, to create and accelerate the development of Comprehensive Learner Records (CLR). While a traditional transcript reflects student performance in coursework over time and serves to document the award of specific credentials and degrees, it does not provide a mechanism for identifying applied and experiential learning within co-curricular programming and within various high-impact practices, such as undergraduate research and community engaged experiences. A CLR provides students with a record of these experiences so that they can appropriately articulate their learning with prospective employers or when applying for graduate and professional programs. With grant funding from the Lumina Foundation, AACRAO and NASPA selected IUPUI and eleven other institutions of higher education to develop and implement a CLR model.
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    Assessing the Profiles through Written Reflections of Engaged Learning Experiences Using the AAC&U Written Communication and Integrative Learning VALUE Rubrics
    (2021-08-18) Hahn, Thomas
    This report describes an assessment activity within the IUPUI Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL) for students participating in IEL programs and the Life Health Sciences Internship (LHSI) Program during AY 2020-2021. The IEL Assessment Workgroup assessed written reflection artifacts of 124 students from 14 co-curricular programs. Using selected rows from the Written Communication and Integrative Learning VALUE Rubrics, the raters assessed the Communicator and Problem Solver Profiles of Undergraduate Learning. For Written Communication, overall results indicate that all of the student reflection artifacts at least met the benchmark for Control of Syntax and Mechanics. Nearly all (123 of 124) of the student reflection artifacts at least met the benchmark for Content Development. Overall, 99.6% of the scores for Written Communication met the benchmark. For Integrative Learning, nearly all of the student reflection artifacts (122 of 124) at least met the benchmark for Connections to Experiences. Likewise, nearly all of the student reflection artifacts (123 of 124) at least met the benchmark for Reflection and Self-Assessment. Overall, 98.8% of the scores for Integrative Learning met the benchmark.
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    Sam H. Jones (SHJ) Community Service Scholarship Assessment Report (2020-2021)
    (2021-08) Hahn, Thomas
    The Sam H. Jones (SHJ) Community Service Scholarship program is one of the nation’s largest service- based scholarship programs. Created in 1994, this campus program has awarded over 3,600 scholarships, totaling over $9.4 million. The program began with two Scholars in its first year and has grown to more than 150 Scholars annually in multiple programs. The purpose of SHJ is to recognize students’ prior service contributions to the community and foster their leadership, professionalism, and community involvement. This report encompasses the following SHJ programs: Alternative Break Scholars, Bonner Leader Scholars, Family, School & Neighborhood Scholars, Fugate Scholars, and Paws Scholars (see Appendix A for descriptions). They are referred collectively in this report as SAM Scholarships.
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    IEL Student Demographics and Retention Report AY 2020-2021 and Summer 2021
    (2021-10-29) Hahn, Thomas
    The Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL) is home to multiple engaged learning opportunities in undergraduate research and civic engagement (see Appendix for descriptions of the programs). This report details demographics, school of enrollment, GPA, retention figures, and Record designation for students who participated in IEL programs in AY 2020- 2021 and Summer 2021. Below are key highlights followed by detailed tables broken out by program.
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    Spring 2021 Jaguar Leadership Network (JLN) Questionnaire Report
    (2021) Hahn, Thomas; Hansen, Michele
    Admitting its first cohort of students in Fall 2020, the IUPUI Jaguar Leadership Network (JLN) is a comprehensive 2- year program intended to support sophomores and juniors in developing academic skills and leadership competencies through mentoring, engaged learning opportunities, leadership training and university service. The program is housed within the Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL). Following consultation with the Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support, IEL administered a confidential survey to JLN students to gather their perceptions of the program following completion of their first year. The survey was administered on April 29, 2021. A total of 85 students responded for a response rate of 90%. JLN facilitators sent the students reminders and encouraged them to respond.