People in Public Health

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    Burney’s Burney: Leroy Edgar Burney (1906-1998)
    (2006-05-18T14:36:12Z) Jay, Stephen J. M.D.
    Dr. Stephen Jay M.D. documents the career of public health pioneer Leroy Edgar Burney in a 2002-2003 Indianapolis Literary Club essay. Indiana native Burney launched public health campaigns that educated communities on venereal diseases and smoking cessation. Offices held by Burney include Commissioner of the Indiana State Board of Health and U.S. Surgeon General.
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    Bibliography -- Burney’s Burney: Leroy Edgar Burney (1906-1998)
    (2006-05-18T14:26:45Z) Jay, Stephen J. M.D.
    Bibliography of Dr. Stephen Jay M.D.'s essay on Leroy Edgar Burney, former U.S. Surgeon General and Commissioner of the Indiana State Board of Health.
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