William J. Sullivan, Jr.

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    mRNA cap-binding protein eIF4E1 is a novel regulator of Toxoplasma gondii latency
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2024) Holmes, Michael J.; Bastos, Matheus S.; Dey, Vishakha; Severo, Vanessa; Wek, Ronald C.; Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine
    The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii causes serious opportunistic disease due to its ability to persist in patients as latent tissue cysts. The molecular mechanisms coordinating conversion between proliferative parasites (tachyzoites) and latent cysts (bradyzoites) are not fully understood. We previously showed that phosphorylation of eIF2α accompanies bradyzoite formation, suggesting that this clinically relevant process involves regulation of mRNA translation. In this study, we investigated the composition and role of eIF4F multi-subunit complexes in translational control. Using CLIPseq, we find that the cap-binding subunit, eIF4E1, localizes to the 5'-end of all tachyzoite mRNAs, many of which show evidence of stemming from heterogeneous transcriptional start sites. We further show that eIF4E1 operates as the predominant cap-binding protein in two distinct eIF4F complexes. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we found that eIF4E1 deficiency triggers efficient spontaneous formation of bradyzoites without stress induction. Consistent with this result, we also show that stress-induced bradyzoites exhibit reduced eIF4E1 expression. Overall, our findings establish a novel role for eIF4F in translational control required for parasite latency and microbial persistence. Importance: Toxoplasma gondii is an opportunistic pathogen important to global human and animal health. There are currently no chemotherapies targeting the encysted form of the parasite. Consequently, a better understanding of the mechanisms controlling encystation is required. Here we show that the mRNA cap-binding protein, eIF4E1, regulates the encystation process. Encysted parasites reduce eIF4E1 levels, and depletion of eIF4E1 decreases the translation of ribosome-associated machinery and drives Toxoplasma encystation. Together, these data reveal a new layer of mRNA translational control that regulates parasite encystation and latency.
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    Histone-Modifying Complexes Regulate Gene Expression Pertinent to the Differentiation of the Protozoan Parasite Toxoplasma gondii
    (Taylor & Francis, 2005) Saksouk, Nehmé; Bhatti, Micah M.; Kieffer, Sylvie; Smith, Aaron T.; Musset, Karine; Garin, Jérôme; Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Cesbron-Delauw, Marie-France; Hakimi, Mohamed-Ali; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine
    Pathogenic apicomplexan parasites like Toxoplasma and Plasmodium (malaria) have complex life cycles consisting of multiple stages. The ability to differentiate from one stage to another requires dramatic transcriptional changes, yet there is a paucity of transcription factors in these protozoa. In contrast, we show here that Toxoplasma possesses extensive chromatin remodeling machinery that modulates gene expression relevant to differentiation. We find that, as in other eukaryotes, histone acetylation and arginine methylation are marks of gene activation in Toxoplasma. We have identified mediators of these histone modifications, as well as a histone deacetylase (HDAC), and correlate their presence at target promoters in a stage-specific manner. We purified the first HDAC complex from apicomplexans, which contains novel components in addition to others previously reported in eukaryotes. A Toxoplasma orthologue of the arginine methyltransferase CARM1 appears to work in concert with the acetylase TgGCN5, which exhibits an unusual bias for H3 [K18] in vitro. Inhibition of TgCARM1 induces differentiation, showing that the parasite life cycle can be manipulated by interfering with epigenetic machinery. This may lead to new approaches for therapy against protozoal diseases and highlights Toxoplasma as an informative model to study the evolution of epigenetics in eukaryotic cells.
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    Translation Regulation by Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-2 Kinases in the Development of Latent Cysts in Toxoplasma gondi
    (American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2008) Narasimhan, Jana; Joyce, Bradley R.; Naguleswaran, Arunasalam; Smith, Aaron T.; Livingston, Meredith R.; Dixon, Stacy E.; Coppens, Isabelle; Wek, Ronald C.; Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine
    A key problem in the treatment of numerous pathogenic eukaryotes centers on their development into latent forms during stress. For example, the opportunistic protist Toxoplasma gondii converts to latent cysts (bradyzoites) responsible for recrudescence of disease. We report that Toxoplasma eukaryotic initiation factor-2alpha (TgIF2alpha) is phosphorylated during stress and establish that protozoan parasites utilize translation control to modulate gene expression during development. Importantly, TgIF2alpha remains phosphorylated in bradyzoites, explaining how these cells maintain their quiescent state. Furthermore, we have characterized novel eIF2 kinases; one in the endoplasmic reticulum and a likely regulator of the unfolded protein response (TgIF2K-A) and another that is a probable responder to cytoplasmic stresses (TgIF2K-B). Significantly, our data suggest that 1) the regulation of protein translation through eIF2 kinases is associated with development, 2) eIF2alpha phosphorylation is employed by cells to maintain a latent state, and 3) endoplasmic reticulum and cytoplasmic stress responses evolved in eukaryotic cells before the early diverging Apicomplexa. Given its importance to pathogenesis, eIF2 kinase-mediated stress responses may provide opportunities for novel therapeutics.
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    A GCN2-Like Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 2 Kinase Increases the Viability of Extracellular Toxoplasma gondii Parasites
    (American Society for Microbiology, 2011) Konrad, Christian; Wek, Ronald C.; Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine
    Toxoplasmosis is a significant opportunistic infection caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular pathogen that relies on host cell nutrients for parasite proliferation. Toxoplasma parasites divide until they rupture the host cell, at which point the extracellular parasites must survive until they find a new host cell. Recent studies have indicated that phosphorylation of Toxoplasma eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2-alpha (TgIF2α) plays a key role in promoting parasite viability during times of extracellular stress. Here we report the cloning and characterization of a TgIF2α kinase designated TgIF2K-D that is related to GCN2, a eukaryotic initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) kinase known to respond to nutrient starvation in other organisms. TgIF2K-D is present in the cytosol of both intra- and extracellular Toxoplasma parasites and facilitates translational control through TgIF2α phosphorylation in extracellular parasites. We generated a TgIF2K-D knockout parasite and demonstrated that loss of this eIF2α kinase leads to a significant fitness defect that stems from an inability of the parasite to adequately adapt to the environment outside host cells. This phenotype is consistent with that reported for our nonphosphorylatable TgIF2α mutant (S71A substitution), establishing that TgIF2K-D is the primary eIF2α kinase responsible for promoting extracellular viability of Toxoplasma. These studies suggest that eIF2α phosphorylation and translational control are an important mechanism by which vulnerable extracellular parasites protect themselves while searching for a new host cell. Additionally, TgIF2α is phosphorylated when intracellular parasites are deprived of nutrients, but this can occur independently of TgIF2K-D, indicating that this activity can be mediated by a different TgIF2K.
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    Molecular tools for analysis of gene function in parasitic microorganisms
    (Springer, 2007) Meissner, Markus; Agop-Nersesian, Carolina; Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine
    With the completion of several genome sequences for parasitic protozoa, research in molecular parasitology entered the "post-genomic" era. Accompanied by global transcriptome and proteome analysis, huge datasets have been generated that have added many novel candidates to the list of drug and vaccine targets. The challenge is now to validate these factors and to bring science back to the bench to perform a detailed characterization. In some parasites, like Trypanosoma brucei, high-throughput genetic screens have been established using RNA interference [for a detailed review, see Motyka and Englund (2004)]. In most protozoan parasites, however, more time-consuming approaches have to be employed to identify and characterize the function of promising candidates in detail. This review aims to summarize the status of molecular genetic tools available for a variety of protozoan pathogens and discuss how they can be implemented to advance our understanding of parasite biology.
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    Insertional tagging of at least two loci associated with resistance to adenine arabinoside in Toxoplasma gondii, and cloning of the adenosine kinase locus
    (Elsevier, 1999) Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Chiang, Chi-Wu; Wilson, Craig M.; Naguib, Fardos N. M.; el Kouni, Mahmoud H.; Donald, Robert G. K.; Roos, David S.
    A genetic approach has been exploited to investigate adenylate salvage pathways in the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, a purine auxotroph. Using a new insertional mutagenesis vector designed to facilitate the rescue of tagged loci even when multiple plasmids integrate as a tandem array, 15 independent clonal lines resistant to the toxic nucleoside analog adenine arabinoside (AraA) were generated. Approximately two-thirds of these clones lack adenosine kinase (AK) activity. Parallel studies identified an expressed sequence tag (EST) exhibiting a small region of weak similarity to human AK, and this locus was tagged in several AK-deficient insertional mutants. Library screening yielded full-length cDNA and genomic clones. The T. gondii AK gene contains five exons spanning a approximately 3 kb locus, and the predicted coding sequence was employed to identify additional AK genes and cDNAs in the GenBank and dbEST databases. A genomic construct lacking essential coding sequence was used to create defined genetic knock-outs at the T. gondii AK locus, and AK activity was restored using a cDNA-derived minigene. Hybridization analysis of DNA from 13 AraA-resistant insertional mutants reveals three distinct classes: (i) AK-mutants tagged at the AK locus; (ii) AK- mutants not tagged at the AK locus, suggesting the possibility that another locus may be involved in regulating AK expression; and (iii) mutants with normal AK activity (potential transport mutants).
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    Tagging genes and trapping promoters in Toxoplasma gondii by insertional mutagenesis
    (Elsevier, 1997) Roos, David S.; Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Striepen, Boris; Bohne, Wolfgang; Donald, Robert G. K.
    Plasmid vectors that incorporate sequence elements from the dehydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS) locus of Toxoplasma gondii integrate into the parasite genome with remarkably high frequency (>1% of transfected parasites). These vectors may-but need not-include mutant DHFR-TS alleles that confer pyrimethamine resistance to transgenic parasites. Large genomic constructs integrate at the endogenous locus by homologous recombination, but cDNA-derived sequences lacking long stretches of contiguous genomic DNA (due to intron excision) typically integrate into chromosomal DNA by nonhomologous recombination. Nonhomologous integration occurs effectively at random; and coupled with the high frequency of transformation, this allows a large fraction of the parasite genome to be tagged in a single electroporation cuvette. Genomic tagging permits insertional mutagenesis studies conceptually analogous to transposon mutagenesis in bacteria, yeast, Drosophila, etc. In theory (and, thus far, in practice), this allows identification of any gene whose inactivation is not lethal to the haploid tachyzoite form of T. gondii and for which a suitable selection or screen is available. Transformation vectors can be engineered to facilitate rescue of the tagged locus and to include a variety of reporters or selectable markers. Genetic strategies are also possible, using reporters whose function can be assayed by metabolic, visual, or immunological screens to "trap" genes that are activated (or inactivated) under various conditions of interest.
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    Phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor-2α promotes the extracellular survival of obligate intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii
    (National Academy of Science, 2010) Joyce, Bradley R.; Queener, Sherry F.; Wek, Ronald C.; Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine
    While seeking a new host cell, obligate intracellular parasites, such as the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, must be able to endure the stress of an extracellular environment. The mechanisms Toxoplasma use to remain viable while deprived of a host cell are not understood. We have previously shown that phosphorylation of Toxoplasma eukaryotic initiation factor-2α (TgIF2α) is a conserved response to stress. Here we report the characterization of Toxoplasma harboring a point mutation (S71A) in TgIF2α that prevents phosphorylation. Results show that TgIF2α phosphorylation is critical for parasite viability because the TgIF2α-S71A mutants are ill-equipped to cope with life outside the host cell. The TgIF2α-S71A mutants also showed a significant delay in producing acute toxoplasmosis in vivo. We conclude that the phosphorylation of TgIF2α plays a crucial role during the lytic cycle by ameliorating the stress of the extracellular environment while the parasite searches for a new host cell.
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    Parasite-specific eIF2 (eukaryotic initiation factor-2) kinase required for stress-induced translation control
    (Portland Press, 2004) Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Narasimhan, Jana; Bhatti, Micah M.; Wek, Ronald C.; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine
    The ubiquitous intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii (phylum Apicomplexa) differentiates into an encysted form (bradyzoite) that can repeatedly re-emerge as a life-threatening acute infection (tachyzoite) upon impairment of immunity. Since the switch from tachyzoite to bradyzoite is a stress-induced response, we sought to identify components related to the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2 (eukaryotic initiation factor-2), a well-characterized event associated with stress remediation in other eukaryotic systems. In addition to characterizing Toxoplasma eIF2alpha (TgIF2alpha), we have discovered a novel eIF2 protein kinase, designated TgIF2K-A (Toxoplasma gondii initiation factor-2kinase). Although the catalytic domain of TgIF2K-A contains sequence and structural features that are conserved among members of the eIF2 kinase family, TgIF2K-A has an extended N-terminal region that is highly divergent from other eIF2 kinases. TgIF2K-A specifically phosphorylates the regulatory serine residue of yeast eIF2alpha in vitro and in vivo, and can modulate translation when expressed in the yeast model system. We also demonstrate that TgIF2K-A phosphorylates the analogous regulatory serine residue of recombinant TgIF2alpha in vitro. Finally, we demonstrate that TgIF2alpha phosphorylation in tachyzoites is enhanced in response to heat shock or alkaline stress, conditions known to induce parasite differentiation in vitro. Collectively, this study suggests that eIF2 kinase-mediated stress responses are conserved in Apicomplexa, and a novel family member exists that may control parasite-specific events, including the clinically relevant conversion into bradyzoite cysts.
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    The protozoan parasite Cryptosporidium parvum possesses two functionally and evolutionarily divergent replication protein A large subunits
    (Elsevier, 2005) Rider, S. Dean, Jr.; Cai, Xiaomin; Sullivan, William J., Jr.; Smith, Aaron T.; Radke, Jay; White, Michael; Zhu, Guan; Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine
    Very little is known about protozoan replication protein A (RPA), a heterotrimeric complex critical for DNA replication and repair. We have discovered that in medically and economically important apicomplexan parasites, two unique RPA complexes may exist based on two different types of large subunit RPA1. In this study, we characterized the single-stranded DNA binding features of two distinct types (i.e. short and long) of RPA1 subunits from Cryptosporidium parvum (CpRPA1A and CpRPA1B). These two proteins differ from human RPA1 in their intrinsic single-stranded DNA binding affinity (K) and have significantly lower cooperativity (omega). We also identified the RPA2 and RPA3 subunits from C. parvum, the latter of which had yet to be reported to exist in any protozoan. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer technology and pull-down assays, we confirmed that these two subunits interact with each other and with CpRPA1A and CpRPA1B. This suggests that the heterotrimeric structure of RPA complexes may be universally conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes. Bioinformatic analyses indicate that multiple types of RPA1 are present in the other apicomplexans Plasmodium and Toxoplasma. Apicomplexan RPA1 proteins are phylogenetically more related to plant homologues and probably arose from a single gene duplication event prior to the expansion of the apicomplexan lineage. Differential expression during the life cycle stages in three apicomplexan parasites suggests that the two RPA1 types exercise specialized biological functions.