Assessment Reports AY 2021-2022

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    Assessing the Profiles through Written Reflections of Engaged Learning Experiences Using the AAC&U Written Communication, Integrative Learning, and Civic Engagement VALUE Rubrics
    (2022-11) Hahn, Thomas W.
    This report describes an assessment activity within the IUPUI Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL)for students participating in IEL programs and the Life Health Sciences Internship (LHSI) Program during AY 2021-2022.The IEL Assessment Workgroup assessed written reflection artifacts of 100students from 10co-curricular programs. Using selected rows from the Written Communication, Integrative Learning, and Civic Engagement VALUE Rubrics, the raters assessed the Communicator, Problem Solver, and Community Contributor Profiles of Undergraduate Learning.
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    IEL Student Demographics and Retention Report AY 2021-2022
    (2022) Hahn, Thomas W.
    The Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL) is home to multiple engaged learning opportunities in undergraduate research and civic engagement (see Appendix for descriptions of the programs). This report details demographics, school of enrollment, GPA, retention figures, and Record designation for students who participated in IEL programs in AY 2021-2022.Below are key highlights followed by detailed tables broken out by program.
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    Spring 2022 Jaguar Leadership Network (JLN) Questionnaire Report
    (2022) Hahn, Thomas W.; Hansen, Michele J.
    Admitting its first cohort of students in Fall 2020and its second cohort in Fall 2021, the IUPUI Jaguar Leadership Network (JLN) is a comprehensive 2-year program intended to support sophomores and juniors in developing academic skills and leadership competencies through mentoring, engaged learning opportunities, leadership training and university service. The program is housed within the Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL). Following consultation with the Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support, IEL administered a confidential survey to JLN students to gather their perceptions of the program following completion of the academic year. The survey was administered on April 1, 2022.A total of74out of 111students responded for a response rate of 67%.Thirty-three(out of 51)JLN Sophomores (1styear in the program) completed the survey (response rate =65%), while 41out of 60JLN Juniors (2ndyear in the program) completed the survey (response rate =68%).The JLN coordinator sent the students reminders and encouraged them to respond.