Biomedical Engineering and Applied Medical Technology Scholarly Concentration works

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    Osteoclast-mediated bone loss observed in a COVID-19 mouse model
    (2021-10-02) Awosanya, Olatundun D.; Dalloul, Christopher E.; Blosser, Rachel J.; Dadwal, Ushashi C.; Carozza, Mariel; Boschen, Karen; Klemsz, Michael J.; Johnston, Nancy A.; Bruzzaniti, Angela; Robinson, Christopher M.; Srour, Edward F.; Kacena, Melissa A.
    The consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the musculoskeletal system represent a dangerous knowledge gap. Aging patients are at added risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection; therefore, a greater understanding of the resulting musculoskeletal sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection may help guide clinical strategies. This study examined fundamental bone parameters among mice treated with escalating viral loads. Male C57BL/6J (WT, n = 17) and B6.Cg-Tg(K18-ACE2)2Prlmn/J mice (K18-hACE2 transgenic mice, n = 21) expressing human ACE2 (TG) were divided into eight groups (n = 4-6/group) and subjected to intranasal dosing of 0, 1 × 103, 1 × 104, and 1 × 105 PFU (plaque forming units) of human SARS-CoV-2. Animal health was assessed daily by veterinary staff using established and validated scoring criteria (activity, posture, body condition scores and body weight). We report here that mock and WT infected mice were healthy and completed the study, surviving until 12-14 days post infection (dpi). In contrast, the TG mice infected with 1 × 105 PFU all experienced severe health declines that necessitated early euthanasia (6-7 dpi). For TG mice infected with 1 × 104 PFU, 2 mice were also euthanized after 7 dpi, while 3 mice showed signs of moderate disease at day 6 dpi, but recovered fully by day 11 dpi. Four of the 5 TG mice that were infected with 1 × 103 PFU remained healthy throughout the study. This suggests that our study mimics what is seen during human disease, where some patients develop severe disease resulting in death, while others have moderate to severe disease but recover, and others are asymptomatic. At necropsy, femurs were extracted and analyzed by μCT. No difference was found in μCT determined bone parameters among the WT groups. There was, however, a significant 24.4% decrease in trabecular bone volume fraction (p = 0.0009), 19.0% decrease in trabecular number (p = 0.004), 6.2% decrease in trabecular thickness (p = 0.04), and a 9.8% increase in trabecular separation (p = 0.04) among surviving TG mice receiving any viral load compared to non-infected controls. No differences in cortical bone parameters were detected. TRAP staining revealed surviving infected mice had a significant 64% increase in osteoclast number, a 27% increase in osteoclast surface, and a 38% increase in osteoclasts per bone surface. While more studies are needed to investigate the long-term consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection on skeletal health, this study demonstrates a significant reduction in several bone parameters and corresponding robust increases in osteoclast number observed within 2 weeks post-infection in surviving asymptomatic and moderately affected mice.
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    Trans-omic knowledge transfer modeling infers gut microbiome biomarkers of anti-TNF resistance in ulcerative colitis
    (World Scientific, 2023) Trinh, Alan; Ran, Ran; Brubaker, Douglas K
    A critical challenge in analyzing multi-omics data from clinical cohorts is the re-use of these valuable datasets to answer biological questions beyond the scope of the original study. Transfer Learning and Knowledge Transfer approaches are machine learning methods that leverage knowledge gained in one domain to solve a problem in another. Here, we address the challenge of developing Knowledge Transfer approaches to map trans-omic information from a multi-omic clinical cohort to another cohort in which a novel phenotype is measured. Our test case is that of predicting gut microbiome and gut metabolite biomarkers of resistance to anti-TNF therapy in Ulcerative Colitis patients. Three approaches are proposed for Trans-omic Knowledge Transfer, and the resulting performance and downstream inferred biomarkers are compared to identify efficacious methods. We find that multiple approaches reveal similar metabolite and microbial biomarkers of anti-TNF resistance and that these commonly implicated biomarkers can be validated in literature analysis. Overall, we demonstrate a promising approach to maximize the value of the investment in large clinical multi-omics studies by re-using these data to answer biological and clinical questions not posed in the original study.
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    Machine embroidery of light-emitting textiles with multicolor electroluminescent threads
    (Science Advances, 2024-01-03) Cho, Seungse; Chang, Taehoo; Yu, Tianhao; Gong, Sunland L.; Lee, Chi Hwan
    Advances in electroluminescent threads, suitable for weaving or knitting, have opened doors for the development of light-emitting textiles, driving growth in the market for flexible and wearable displays. Although direct embroidery of these textiles with custom designs and patterns could offer substantial benefits, the rigorous demands of machine embroidery challenge the integrity of these threads. Here, we present embroiderable multicolor electroluminescent threads-in blue, green, and yellow-that are compatible with standard embroidery machines. These threads can be used to stitch decorative designs onto various consumer fabrics without compromising their wear resistance or light-emitting capabilities. Demonstrations include illuminating specific messages or designs on consumer products and delivering emergency alerts on helmet liners for physical hazards. Our research delivers a comprehensive toolkit for integrating light-emitting textiles into trendy, customized crafts tailored to the unique requirements of diverse flexible and wearable displays.