Josette Jones

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Developing Solution-Focused Partnerships with Industry Using Data Analytics-Patient Centered Informatics (PCI): Connecting Consumers and Providers

Dr. Josette Jones is the program director of the Department of BioHealth Informatics at the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing (SoIC) in Indianapolis (IUPUI), where she prepares students with skills they will need as health informatics professionals. These competencies include patient-centered care, interdisciplinary teamwork, evidence-based practice, and the ability to use informatics to improve and expand the delivery and quality of care. Additionally, at IUPUI, she has been instrumental in developing the graduate curricula in nursing and health informatics and health information technology.

Her current research program focuses on analyzing, formalizing and representing (ontology) how health care providers, including nurses, and health care consumers collect and manage data, process data into information and knowledge, and make knowledge-based decisions and inferences for health care. This empirical and experential knowledge is used in order to broaden the scope and enhance the quality of professional practice as well as interactive patient self-management support. Her research also capitalizes on Internet technology and its widespread acceptance as an information resource for providers and consumers alike.

Dr. Jones' use of data to improve consumer and provider experiences is another example of how IUPUI faculty are TRANSLATING RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE.
