TaSkR V (April 17-19, 2013)

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The fifth annual Teaching Skills in International Research Ethics (TaSkR) Workshop was held on April 17-19, 2013 at the Health Information and Translational Sciences (HITS) Building, 410 W. 10th Street, Room 1110, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

Consistent with the goals of previous workshops, TaSkR V is designed so participants can learn pedagogical methods and skills for teaching international research ethics. Typical participants have been faculty and students involved (or intending to become involved) in teaching and mentoring students in international research settings.

The theme for this year was "Individuality, Community, and Personhood in International Research Ethics: The African Context." In addition to being relevant to the work of researchers at both universities, this theme has implications for such issues as informed consent, community engagement, privacy, and perception of risk and harm. Speakers presenting on the theme will include Segun Gbadegesin (Howard University), Issac Mwase (Tuskeegee University National Center for Bioethics 2004-2008, National Cancer Institute 2008-2010), Joseph Kahiga (Moi University), and Rachel Vreeman (indiana University).
