Statistics for IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks

Total visits

Calculating, Interpreting, And Reporting Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient For Likert-Type Scales 173891
Ethical Issues in Human Stem Cell Research 30113
Wikidata: Open Linked Data for Library Publishing 24428
“New shit has come to light”: Information seeking behavior in The Big Lebowski 23993
Using Wikidata to Provide Visibility to Women in STEM 21176
Lithium Ion Battery Failure Detection Using Temperature Difference Between Internal Point and Surface 18403
Generating, Deepening, and Documenting Learning: The Power of Critical Reflection in Applied Learning 16915
The 2.5% Commitment 15157
Defining death: a report on the medical, legal and ethical issues in the determination of death 14075
The Grimm Fairy Tales: An Analysis of Family and Society 11534