Monthly Bulletin, 1913 Vol. 16 No. 9

dc.contributorIndiana State Board of Healthen_US
dc.contributor.authorShimer, William A.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsBirths for September, 1918 p. 249 / Abstract of Mortality Statistics for September p. 249 / Summary of Morbidity and Mortality for September p. 250 / Deaths of Non-Residents p. 250 / Report of Department of Food and Drugs p. 250 / Inspectors Report for the Month of September p. 251 / Report of Bacteriological Laboratory for September p. 251 / Delayed Birth and Death Certificates p. 252 / Upholds Benzoate of Soda Law p. 253 / New Vital Statistics Law p. 253 / The Evolution of a School House p. 254 / Three Typhoid Epidemics due to Milk p. 256 / The Appellate Court Decides that a City may not Pollute a Stream p. 256 / Chart Showing Geographical Distribution of Deaths p. 257 / Table 1. Deaths in Indiana by Counties in September p. 258 / Table 2. Deaths in Indiana by Cities in September p. 259 / Mortality of Indiana for September p. 260 / Weather Report p. 260en_US
dc.identifier.citationIndiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1913); 16(9): 249-260.en_US
dc.subject.otherIndiana; Descriptive Statistics; Age-Specific Death Rate; Cause-Specific Death Rate; Infant Mortality Rate; Homicide; Suicide; Food Inspection; Food Analysis; Infectious Disease; Vaccination; Birth Certificates; Legislation, Food; Health Legislation; Vital Statistics; School Buildings; Typhoid; Dairy Inspection; Dairy Products; Milk; Legislation, Environmentalen_US
dc.titleMonthly Bulletin, 1913 Vol. 16 No. 9en_US
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