Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. § 238n. Abortion-related discrimination in governmental activities regarding training and licensing of physicians
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The Federal Government, and any State or local government that receives Federal financial assistance, may not subject any health care entity to discrimination on the basis that-- (1) the entity refuses to undergo training in the performance of induced abortions, to require or provide such training, to perform such abortions, or to provide referrals for such training or such abortions; (2) the entity refuses to make arrangements for any of the activities specified in paragraph (1); or (3) the entity attends (or attended) a post-graduate physician training program, or any other program of training in the health professions, that does not (or did not) perform induced abortions or require, provide or refer for training in the performance of induced abortions, or make arrangements for the provision of such training.