Monthly Bulletin, 1913 Vol. 16 No. 2

dc.contributorIndiana State Board of Healthen_US
dc.contributor.authorBarnard, H. E.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsBirths for February p. 165 / Abstract of Mortality Statistics for February p. 165 / Summary of Morbidity and Mortality for February p. 165 / Report of Department of Foods and Drugs for February p. 166 / Inspectors' Report for the Month of February p. 166 / Murder p. 167 / Delayed Birth and Death Certificates p. 168 / Wanted to Know Their Ages p. 168 / Notice to County Inspectors of Weights and Measures p. 168 / Report of Bacteriological Laboratory for February p. 168 / Patients Who Finished Pasteur Treatment During February p. 169 / Fatal Cases of Rabies During and Following the Antirabic Treatment p. 169 / Table No. 1 Showing Mortality of Untreated Persons Bitten by Rabid Dogs p. 169 / Table No. 2 Showing Percentage of Mortality of Persons Receiving the Pasteur Treatment p. 169 / Table No. 3 Showing Seriousness of Bite According to Location p. 169 / Table No. 4 Incubation Period in Human Beings p. 170 / A List of the Names, Sex, Age, County, Place of Bite and by What Bitten of all Persons Who Have Taken the Pasteur Treatment p. 170 / An Amendment to t he Weights and Measures Law p. 170 / Notice to Health Officers p. 171 / Current References on Public Health Questions p. 171 / Jailed for Breaking Quarantine p. 172 / Broke Quarantine, Cost Him $40 p. 172 / Chart Showing Geographical Distribution of Deaths p. 173 / Table 1. Deaths in Indiana by Counties During the Month of February, 1913 p. 174 / Table 2. Deaths in Indiana by Cities During the Month of February, 1913 p. 175 / Mortality of Indiana by Geographical Sections for February p. 176 / Weather Report for February p. 176en_US
dc.identifier.citationIndiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1913); 16(2): 165-176.en_US
dc.subject.otherIndiana; Descriptive Statistics; Age-Specific Death Rate; Cause-Specific Death Rate; Infant Mortality Rate; Homicide; Suicide; Food Inspection; Food Analysis; Infectious Disease; Quarantine; Birth Certificates; Death Certificate; Diphtheria; Rabies; Rabies Virus; Health Officersen_US
dc.titleMonthly Bulletin, 1913 Vol. 16 No. 2en_US
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