Importance of Vertical Dimension in Facial Esthetics.
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The objective is to discuss the importance in the determination of the vertical dimension of occlusion in prosthodontic treatment. Case I: A 43-year-old Caucasian female presented with chief complaints of both poor function and esthetics. The medical history revealed a history of cirrhosis, Hepatitis B and depression. In 2011, she presented edentulous with some lower impacted teeth. Three sets of complete dentures were fabricated and delivered. These dentures caused her various problems including complaint of the thick and overextended borders, unacceptable esthetics and ear pain. Due to lack of posterior inter-occlusal space, vertical dimension was increased so much that the resulting dentures were unsatisfying esthetically and auricular discomfort. Case II: A 75-year-old Caucasian male presented with a chief complaints of a broken denture, joint discomfort and esthetic concern. The medical history revealed a history of angina pectoris, hypertension and depression. He continuously complained about his joint pain and broken prosthesis since 2011. Repairs were done several times but they did not eliminate his problem. In 2013, he was diagnosed with a loss of vertical dimension. When his vertical was reestablished at its proper position, his joint discomfort was resolved and his esthetics was greatly improved. Conclusion: Determination of the proper vertical dimension of occlusion is a crucial factor in the overall success of a restorative case. For correct diagnosis and treatment, the restorative dentist should use past dental history, facial profile, past photographs, provisional prosthesis and mounted diagnostic casts.