Indiana State Board of Health Monthly Bulletin, 1903 Vol. 5 No. 12
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Abstract of mortality statistics for December 1903 p.145 / The monthly statistics furnish the following summaries for December p.146 / Smallpox p.146 / Tuberculosis p.146 / Typhoid Fever p.146 / for Pneumonia p.146 / Violence p.146 / How to rid a house of bedbugs, roaches, ants, fleas, moths, and other insects, and at the same time accomplish thorough disinfection p.147 / Method of procedure p.147 / Interesting correspondence p.147 / Pike County health board p.148 / About Typhoid Fever p.149 / Pure food law needed p.149 / The legislature p.149 / Health officers in England p.149 / Hygiene of the sick room p.149 / How to manage the sick room p.149 / How to disinfect p.150 / Washable articles p.150 / Unwashable articles p.150 / Disinfection of clothing or a few articles p.150 / Hygiene p.150 / Is there smallpox at Brook? p.150 / Why should not smallpox spread? p.150 / Outdoor life for the cure of consumption p.151 / A preventable disease p.151 / Child sense p.151 / "Colds" and cold p.151 / How tubercle germs get hold p.152 / What the tuberculosis patient should know p.152 / Chart showing geographical distribution of deaths from certain communicable diseases in December 1903 p.153 / Deaths in Indiana by counties during the month of December 1903 p.154 / Deaths in Indiana by cities during the month of December 1903 p.155 / Mortality of Indiana December 1903 p.156 / Meteorological summary for December 1903 p.156
Cite As
Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1903); 5(12): 145-156.