Provenance of the ice-cored moraine at Mt. Achernar, Law Glacier, Antarctica

dc.contributor.advisorLicht, Kathy J.
dc.contributor.authorBader, Nicole Ann
dc.contributor.otherKaplan, Michael R.
dc.contributor.otherSwope, R. Jeffery
dc.contributor.otherFlood, Timothy of Earth Scienceen Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractGlacial till from the Mt. Achernar moraine (MAM) records pre- and post- last glacial maximum (LGM) compositional variability of an East Antarctic moraine sequence through time and space. Pebble lithology, detrital zircon geochronology, and till geochemistry were analyzed on samples from a 6.5 km transect. Hummocky topography occurs with the most recently exposed material along the active ice margin (Zone 1), followed by a relatively flat and low region (Zone 2), and then a series of ~2 m high parallel/sub-parallel ridges and troughs accompanied by distinct color changes that are directly related to the dominant lithology of the region (Zones 3–5). Zone 3 is dominated by ~38% more sedimentary rocks than adjacent zones and has an overall shape of a broad arch superimposed with smaller ridges. Zone 4 is composed of distinct colored bands that alternate between dominant sedimentary and mafic igneous lithologies. These dominant sedimentary and intermediate/mafic igneous rocks for all Zones are interpreted to be primarily the Beacon and Ferrar Supergroup rocks respectively. The U/Pb data from the till is consistent with a Beacon Supergroup source as samples consistently show significant populations from the Permian ~250-260 Ma, the Proterozoic ~565–600 Ma, ~950–1270 Ma, and ~2300-2320 Ma, as well as (and) the late Archean ~2700-2770 Ma. The Pagoda, Mackellar, Buckley, and Fremouw Formations are potential sources of the detrital zircons. When paired with surface exposure ages, the U/Pb data indicates that the debris source has been consistent over the past ~555 ka, implying relatively stable ice sheet behavior. However, ice sheet change is indicated by a trim line present on Mt. Achernar that can be traced back to the boundary between Zones 3 and 4, as well as a change in pebble lithology, geochemistry, and morphology of Zone 3. Zone 3 records a time of ice sheet thickening and a change in provenance during the LGM. Zone 4 is pre-LGM, Zone 2 records deglaciation, and Zone 1 is still actively connected to the Law Glacier. This study reveals the broader importance of using multiple provenance techniques when interpreting provenance changes in till over time.en_US
dc.subject.lcshMt. Achernar (Antarctica)en_US
dc.subject.lcshMoraines -- Antarcticaen_US
dc.subject.lcshDrift -- Antarcticaen_US
dc.subject.lcshGlacial erosion -- Antarcticaen_US
dc.subject.lcshGlaciers -- Antarcticaen_US
dc.subject.lcshGeological timeen_US
dc.titleProvenance of the ice-cored moraine at Mt. Achernar, Law Glacier, Antarcticaen_US
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