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Item Alliances to disseminate addiction prevention and treatment (ADAPT): A statewide learning health system to reduce substance use among justice-involved youth in rural communities(Elsevier, 2021) Aalsma, Matthew C.; Aarons, Gregory A.; Adams, Zachary W.; Alton, Madison D.; Boustani, Malaz; Dir, Allyson L.; Embi, Peter J.; Grannis, Shaun; Hulvershorn, Leslie A.; Huntsinger, Douglas; Lewis, Cara C.; Monahan, Patrick; Saldana, Lisa; Schwartz, Katherine; Simon, Kosali I.; Terry, Nicolas; Wiehe, Sarah E.; Zapolski, Tamika C. B.; Pediatrics, School of MedicineBackground: Youth in the justice system (YJS) are more likely than youth who have never been arrested to have mental health and substance use problems. However, a low percentage of YJS receive SUD services during their justice system involvement. The SUD care cascade can identify potential missed opportunities for treatment for YJS. Steps along the continuum of the cascade include identification of treatment need, referral to services, and treatment engagement. To address gaps in care for YJS, we will (1) implement a learning health system (LHS) to develop, or improve upon, alliances between juvenile justice (JJ) agencies and community mental health centers (CMHC) and (2) present local cascade data during continuous quality improvement cycles within the LHS alliances. Methods/design: ADAPT is a hybrid Type II effectiveness implementation trial. We will collaborate with JJ and CMHCs in eight Indiana counties. Application of the EPIS (exploration, preparation, implementation, and sustainment) framework will guide the implementation of the LHS alliances. The study team will review local cascade data quarterly with the alliances to identify gaps along the continuum. The study will collect self-report survey measures longitudinally at each site regarding readiness for change, implementation climate, organizational leadership, and program sustainability. The study will use the Stages of Implementation Completion (SIC) tool to assess the process of implementation across interventions. Additionally, the study team will conduct focus groups and qualitative interviews with JJ and CMHC personnel across the intervention period to assess for impact. Discussion: Findings have the potential to increase SUD need identification, referral to services, and treatment for YJS.Item Attitudes toward and training in medications for opioid use disorders: a descriptive analysis among employees in the youth legal system and community mental health centers(Springer Nature, 2024-06-21) O’Reilly, Lauren M.; Schwartz, Katherine; Brown, Steven A.; Dir, Allyson; Gillenwater, Logan; Adams, Zachary; Zapolski, Tamika; Hulvershorn, Leslie A.; Aalsma, Matthew; Pediatrics, School of MedicineBackground: Research demonstrates gaps in medications for opioid use disorder uptake (MOUDs; methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone) especially among adolescents. These gaps may be partly attributable to attitudes about and training in MOUDs among youth-serving professionals. We extended prior research by conducting descriptive analyses of attitudes regarding effectiveness and acceptability of MOUDs, as well as training in MOUDs, among youth legal system (YLS) employees and community mental health center (CMHC) personnel who interface professionally with youth. Methods: Using survey data from participants (n = 181) recruited from eight Midwest counties, we examined: (1) differences in MOUD attitudes/training by MOUD type and (2) by respondent demographics, and (3) prediction of MOUD attitudes/training by participant-reported initiatives to implement evidence-based practices (EBPs), workplace culture around EBPs, and workplace stress. Attitudes and training were measured in reference to five MOUD types (methadone, oral buprenorphine, injectable buprenorphine, oral naltrexone, injectable naltrexone) on three subscales (effectiveness, acceptability, training). Results: Wilcoxon signed-rank tests demonstrated that most outcomes differed significantly by MOUD type (differences observed among 22 of 30 tests). Kruskal-Wallis tests suggested MOUD differences based on demographics. For methadone, CMHC providers endorsed greater perceived effectiveness than YLS providers and age explained significant differences in perceived effectiveness. For buprenorphine, CHMC providers viewed oral or injectable buprenorphine as more effective than YLS employees, respondents from more rural counties viewed oral buprenorphine as more effective than those from less rural counties, and age explained differences in perceived effectiveness. For naltrexone, perceived gender differed by gender. Hierarchical ordinal logistic regression analysis did not find an association between personal initiatives to implement EBPs, workplace culture supporting EBPs, or workplace stress and effectiveness or acceptability of MOUDs. However, personal initiatives to implement EBPs was associated with training in each MOUD. Conclusions: These results highlight a few key findings: effectiveness/acceptability of and training in MOUDs largely differ by MOUD type; setting, rurality, age, gender, and education explain group differences in perceived effectiveness of and training in MOUDs; and implementing EBPs is associated with training in MOUDs. Future research would benefit from examining what predicts change in MOUD attitudes longitudinally.Item Caregiver and Juvenile Justice Personnel Perspectives on challenges and importance of caregiver engagement and the potential utility of a peer navigator program in the Juvenile Justice System(BMC, 2023-08-05) Dir, Allyson L.; Pederson, Casey; Khazvand, Shirin; Schwartz, Katie; Wiehe, Sarah E.; Aalsma, Matthew C.; Psychiatry, School of MedicineBackground: For youth involved in the juvenile justice (JJ) system, caregiver involvement and engagement in the system is crucial for youth development and outcomes of JJ cases; however, there are challenges to establishing positive/productive partnerships between caregivers and JJ representatives. The current project examines perspectives of caregivers and JJ personnel regarding facilitators and barriers to establishing JJ-caregiver partnerships, as well as their perceptions of the use of a caregiver navigator program to support caregivers of system-involved youth. Results are used to inform development of a caregiver navigator program to support caregivers and help them navigate the JJ system. Results: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with caregivers of youth involved in JJ (n = 15, 53% White, 93% female), JJ personnel (n = 7, 100% White, 50% female), and JJ family advisory board members (n = 5, 100% Black, 100% female). Caregivers reported varying experiences across intake/arrest, court, and probation processes. Positive experiences were characterized by effective communication and feeling supported by JJ. Negative experiences related to feeling blamed and punished for their child's system involvement and feeling unsupported. JJ interviews corroborated caregiver sentiments and also illustrated facilitators and barriers to JJ-caregiver partnerships. Both JJ personnel and caregivers endorsed potential benefits of a peer-based caregiver navigator program to provide social, informational, and emotional support. Conclusion: Continued work is needed to improve JJ-caregiver partnerships and use of a peer-based navigator program has the potential to address barriers to caregiver engagement in the JJ system.Item Conduct disorder symptoms and illicit drug use in juvenile justice involved youth: The reciprocal relationship between positive illicit drug use attitudes and illicit drug use(Taylor & Francis, 2018-07-03) Kolp, Haley M.; Hershberger, Alexandra R.; Sanders, Jasmyn; Um, Miji; Aalsma, Matthew; Cyders, Melissa A.; Psychology, School of ScienceConduct disorder (CD) symptoms cooccur at high rates with illicit drug use in juvenile justice involved youth, which results in poorer outcomes; however, research has not identified where best to intervene in this relationship, limiting the identification of modifiable risk factors to reduce negative effects of CD symptoms. Two mediation models were examined to investigate the potential for CD symptoms to influence a reciprocal relationship between illicit drug use and positive drug attitudes, controlling for age, gender, and race. Data were examined for 245 juvenile justice involved youth (mean age = 15.46, SD = 1.30, range 12-18, 64.9% Black, 80.4% male) who completed court-ordered psychological assessments. Findings indicate: (1) Positive attitudes toward illicit drug use significantly mediated the relationship between CD symptoms and illicit drug use (β = 0.16, CI 0.09-0.27; test for indirect effect z = 4.17, p < .001) and (2) illicit drug use significantly mediated the relationship between CD symptoms and positive attitudes toward illicit drug use (β = 0.20, CI 0.12-0.32; test for indirect effect z = 4.87, p < .001). Overall, the present study suggests that CD symptoms impart risk for illicit drug use both indirectly, through more positive attitudes toward illicit drug use, and directly, which further strengthens positive attitudes toward illicit drug use.Item Family and Peer Influences on Substance Attitudes and Use among Juvenile Justice-Involved Youth(Springer, 2019-02) Zapolski, Tamika C. B.; Clifton, Richelle L.; Banks, Devin E.; Hershberger, Alexandra; Aalsma, Matthew; Psychology, School of ScienceJuvenile justice-involved youth experience high rates of substance use, which is concerning given associated negative consequences, including health and functional deficits. Family and peer factors are associated with a high risk of substance use among justice-involved youth. It is hypothesized that this risk process operates through pro-drug attitudes. However, limited research has been conducted on the mechanisms through which family and peer factors increase risk for substance use among juvenile justice involved youth. The current study examined both the direct and indirect effects of family and peer substance use on youth's substance use (alcohol and illicit drug use). We also examined whether this relationship differs by race. 226 detained youth (81.9% male; 74.3% Black) were recruited from an urban county in the Midwest and completed a clinical interview and substance use assessment battery. A direct effect of family/peer risk on illicit drug use was found for all youth, though the effect was stronger among White youth. Results also supported the indirect effect pathway from family/peer risk to both illicit drug use and alcohol use through pro-drug attitudes. This pathway did not vary by race. These findings suggest that interventions should focus on targeting both family/peer risk and pro-drug attitudes to reduce substance use. Given the racial difference in the direct effect of family/peer risk on illicit drug use, there may be other factors that influence risk more strongly for White youth, which warrants further investigation.Item Impact of learning health systems on cross-system collaboration between youth legal and community mental health systems: a type II hybrid effectiveness-implementation trial(Springer Nature, 2024-12-24) O’Reilly, Lauren; Sun, Dayu; Schwartz, Katherine; Gillenwater, Logan; Dir, Allyson; Monahan, Patrick; Aarons, Gregory A.; Saldana, Lisa; Adams, Zachary; Zapolski, Tamika; Hulvershorn, Leslie; Aalsma, Matthew C.; Pediatrics, School of MedicineBackground: Youth involved in the legal system have disproportionately higher rates of problematic substance use than non-involved youth. Identifying and connecting legal-involved youth to substance use intervention is critical and relies on the connection between legal and behavioral health agencies, which may be facilitated by learning health systems (LHS). We analyzed the impact of an LHS intervention on youth legal and behavioral health personnel ratings of their cross-system collaboration. We also examined organizational climate toward evidence-based practice (EBP) over and above the LHS intervention. Methods: Data were derived from a type II hybrid effectiveness trial implementing an LHS intervention with youth legal and community mental health centers (CMHCs) in eight Indiana counties. Using a stepped wedge design, counties were randomly assigned to one of three cohorts and stepped in at nine-month intervals. Counties were in the treatment phase for 18 months, after which they were in the maintenance phase. Youth legal system and CMHC personnel completed five waves of data collection (n=307 total respondents, ranging from 108-178 per wave). Cross-system collaboration was measured via the Cultural Exchange Inventory, organizational EBP climate via the Implementation Climate Scale and Implementation Citizenship Behavior Scale, and intervention via a dummy-coded indicator variable. We conducted linear mixed models to examine: 1) the treatment indicator, and 2) the treatment indicator and organizational EBP climate variables on cross-system collaboration. Results: The treatment indicator was not significantly associated with cross-system collaboration. When including the organizational EBP climate variables, the treatment indicator significantly predicted cross-system collaboration. Compared to the control phase, treatment (B=0.41, standard error [SE]=0.20) and maintenance (B=0.60, SE=0.29) phases were associated with greater cross-system collaboration output. Conclusions: The analysis may have been underpowered to detect an effect; third variables may have explained variance in cross-system collaboration, and, thus, the inclusion of important covariates may have reduced residual errors and increased the estimation precision. The LHS intervention may have affected cross-system collaboration perception and offers a promising avenue of research to determine how systems work together to improve legal-involved-youth substance use outcomes. Future research is needed to replicate results among a larger sample and examine youth-level outcomes.Item A Mixed-Methods Investigation of the Implications of Substance Use Disorder Stigma for Justice-Involved Youth(2023-08) Johnson-Kwochka, Annalee V.; Salyers, Michelle; Cyders, Melissa; Zapolski, Tamika; Aalsma, MathewObjectives: Compared to youth without justice-involvement, justice-involved youth are more likely to experience substance use disorders. Yet, few justice-involved youth receive appropriate, evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders. Although there are numerous barriers to the accessibility of appropriate treatment, research also suggests that it is difficult to engage justice-involved youth in treatment even when it is available and accessible. It is possible that substance use disorder stigma, or negative attitudes towards youth with substance use disorders, may contribute to low treatment accessibility, and make it more difficult for justice-involved youth to engage with available treatment. Few researchers have examined substance use disorder stigma among this population. The purpose of this study was to 1) explore the nature of substance use disorder stigma among justice-involved youth, at multiple ecological levels and 2) examine the role of substance use disorder stigma in limiting the accessibility of and engagement in treatment and justice-involved youth’s engagement in treatment. Methods: Participants (n = 44 youth-guardian dyads) were referred to the study by juvenile probation departments in two Indiana counties. In addition, 66 system personnel participants who work with justice-involved youth with substance use disorders were recruited from community mental health centers and juvenile probation departments in rural and suburban Indiana counties. All participants completed survey measures of substance use disorder stigma and familiarity with substance use; youth-guardian dyads also provided information about the youth’s substance use history and treatment utilization. A subset of participants (n = 9 youth, 11 guardians, 12 system personnel) completed qualitative interviews, providing perspectives on substance use disorder stigma and the role of stigma in discouraging treatment. Using analysis of covariance, multiple regression analyses, and qualitative grounded theory analysis, I explored the nature of stigma toward justice-involved youth with substance use disorders and examined the impact of stigma on treatment accessibility and engagement. Results: For aim 1, as hypothesized, public stigma (assessed by survey data) varied significantly according to participant role and specific substance, with guardians endorsing greater stigma than system personnel. All participants expressed greater negative emotions towards youth with opioid use disorder compared to marijuana use disorder. Interview data revealed particularly nuanced attitudes about marijuana use. Contrary to expectations, youth reported little self-stigma. Both youth and guardians described limited knowledge of problematic substance use. For aim 2, interview data suggests that youth and guardians may identify more stigma associated with seeking treatment for problematic substance use than with using substances. All participants reported that perceived stigma has improved in recent years, and that youth feel more comfortable discussing their substance use. However, guardians identified family attitudes about behavioral health treatment as negatively impacting engagement among youth. In addition, system personnel reported that stigma continues to limit the accessibility of youth SUD treatment. Discussion: Youth endorsed lower than expected levels of self-stigma with no difference by primary substance type; this may have been affected by youth’s limited understanding of problematic substance use and lower than expected heterogeneity in substance use type among participants. Consistent with prior research, self-stigma was directly related to the severity of mental health symptoms. The high prevalence of public stigma among guardians of JIY with SUDs suggests that parents and guardians would benefit from interventions to better support their caregiving experiences. All participants identified complex attitudes about marijuana use, suggesting that the increasing public acceptability and endorsement of marijuana as a helpful substance may complicate treatment seeking when use becomes problematic. Although youth did not conceptualize self-stigma as a barrier to treatment, given that the primary substance used in this study was marijuana, these results may be complicated by changing societal attitudes about marijuana in particular. Qualitative perspectives from guardians and system personnel suggest that substance use disorder stigma may limit both the accessibility of treatment and youth’s likelihood to engage with treatment; this may depend on type of substance used. Particularly for the participants in this study, extremely limited treatment accessibility posed the largest barrier to evidence-based substance use disorder treatment for adolescents, making it difficult to accurately assess the role of stigma in actual treatment use. Finally, findings suggest that measuring substance use disorder stigma may be dependent on participants’ ability to accurately identify problematic substance use. It may also be important to refine both qualitative and quantitative measurement of stigma specifically with adolescents. Limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.Item Non-suicidal Self-Injury, Suicidal Behaviors, and Mental Health Symptoms among Sexual Minority Youth with Juvenile Justice System Involvement(Elsevier, 2023) Vieira, Alyssa; Sheerin, Kaitlin M.; Williamson-Butler, Shannon; Pederson, Casey A.; Thompson, Elizabeth C.; Soriano, Sheiry; Wolff, Jennifer C.; Spirito, Anthony; Kemp, Kathleen; Pediatrics, School of MedicineSexual minority youth have long remained an understudied population within the juvenile justice system, despite emerging evidence suggesting that sexual minority youth are overrepresented. Recent literature indicates that system-involved sexual minority youth may have more behavioral health concerns than their heterosexual counterparts. Even so, more work is needed to elucidate the unique needs of sexual minority youth who become involved in the system, especially as it pertains to suicidal behaviors and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI). The present study provided a descriptive evaluation of the prevalence of sexual minority youth making early system contact and their mental health concerns. Of the 218 justice-involved youth from a Northeastern family court in the sample, over a quarter identified as a sexual minority (n = 58). Our findings indicated that these youth evidenced significantly higher scores on a mental health screener compared to their heterosexual counterparts, evidencing greater symptomology on scales indicative of depression/anxiety, thought disturbance, etc. Further, sexual minority youth reported higher rates of lifetime, past year, and past month NSSI as well as lifetime and past year suicide attempts. These findings highlight the need to support the well-being of sexual minority youth in the juvenile justice system by screening for and addressing their mental health needs in this unique setting.Item Organizational structure, climate, and collaboration between juvenile justice and community mental health centers: implications for evidence-based practice implementation for adolescent substance use disorder treatment(BMC, 2020-10-08) Johnson-Kwochka, A.; Dir, A.; Salyers, Michelle P.; Aalsma, Matthew C.; Psychology, School of ScienceBackground Substance use disorders are prevalent among youth involved with the criminal justice system, however, evidence-based substance use disorder treatment is often unavailable to this population. The goal of this study was to identify barriers to effective implementation of evidence-based practices among juvenile justice and community mental health organizations through the lens of an adopter-based innovation model. Methods In this mixed-methods study, qualitative interviews were conducted with n = 15 juvenile justice staff and n = 14 community mental health staff from two counties implementing substance use services for justice involved youth. In addition, n = 28 juvenile justice staff and n = 85 community mental health center staff also completed quantitative measures of organizational effectiveness including the implementation leadership scale (ILS), organizational readiness for change (ORIC), and the implementation climate scale (ICS). Results Organizationally, staff from community mental health centers reported more “red tape” and formalized procedures around daily processes, while many juvenile justice staff reported a high degree of autonomy. Community mental health respondents also reported broad concern about their capacity for providing new interventions. Staff across the two different organizations expressed support for evidence-based practices, agreed with the importance of treating substance use disorders in this population, and were enthusiastic about implementing the interventions. Conclusions While both community mental health and juvenile justice staff express commitment to implementing evidence-based practices, systems-level changes are needed to increase capacity for providing evidence-based services.Item The point of diminishing returns in juvenile probation: Probation requirements and risk of technical probation violations among first-time probation-involved youth(American Psychological Association, 2021) Dir, Allyson L.; Magee, Lauren A.; Clifton, Richelle L.; Ouyang, Fangqian; Tu, Wanzhu; Wiehe, Sarah E.; Aalsma, Matthew C.; Psychiatry, School of MedicineTechnical probation violations are common among probation-involved youth, and across many jurisdictions, may result in detention or residential placement. The current study examined prevalence of technical violations occurring during one's first probation period, the average time to technical violation, and individual-level and justice-related factors related to technical violations among probation-involved youth in a juvenile justice system. We analyzed electronic criminal records of 18,289 probation-involved youth following their first arrest (68.7% male, 53.9% Black, Mage=15.2). Technical violation was defined as a violation resulting from a non-criminal incident. We examined effects of charge severity, probation conditions (e.g., electronic monitoring) and program referrals (e.g., mental health) on likelihood of technical violation utilizing survival analysis stratified by race. Across 18,289 youth, 15.3% received a technical violation during their first probation; Black youth violated more quickly compared to White youth (log-rank test p<.001). In multivariate survival analyses, the hazard for time to technical violation was higher for Black youth compared to white youth (p<.001), males (p=.04), and younger youth (p<.001). Youth assigned to more probation requirements violated more quickly. Electronic monitoring and education, mental health, and drug programs were associated with shorter time to violation, controlling for race, ethnicity, and charge severity. Black youth violate more quickly compared to White youth. Across all youth, assignment to more probation requirements increased risk of technical violation and shorter time to violation. Despite the benefit of probation interventions, system-level efforts are needed to help youth adhere to probation requirements and successfully complete probation.