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Item Accurate and representative decoding of the neural drive to muscles in humans with multi-channel intramuscular thin-film electrodes(Wiley, 2015-09-01) Muceli, Silvia; Poppendieck, Wigand; Negro, Francesco; Yoshida, Ken; Hoffmann, Klaus P.; Butler, Jane E.; Gandevia, Simon C.; Farina, Dario; Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Engineering and TechnologyIntramuscular electrodes developed over the past 80 years can record the concurrent activity of only a few motor units active during a muscle contraction. We designed, produced and tested a novel multi-channel intramuscular wire electrode that allows in vivo concurrent recordings of a substantially greater number of motor units than with conventional methods. The electrode has been extensively tested in deep and superficial human muscles. The performed tests indicate the applicability of the proposed technology in a variety of conditions. The electrode represents an important novel technology that opens new avenues in the study of the neural control of muscles in humans. We describe the design, fabrication and testing of a novel multi-channel thin-film electrode for detection of the output of motoneurones in vivo and in humans, through muscle signals. The structure includes a linear array of 16 detection sites that can sample intramuscular electromyographic activity from the entire muscle cross-section. The structure was tested in two superficial muscles (the abductor digiti minimi (ADM) and the tibialis anterior (TA)) and a deep muscle (the genioglossus (GG)) during contractions at various forces. Moreover, surface electromyogram (EMG) signals were concurrently detected from the TA muscle with a grid of 64 electrodes. Surface and intramuscular signals were decomposed into the constituent motor unit (MU) action potential trains. With the intramuscular electrode, up to 31 MUs were identified from the ADM muscle during an isometric contraction at 15% of the maximal force (MVC) and 50 MUs were identified for a 30% MVC contraction of TA. The new electrode detects different sources from a surface EMG system, as only one MU spike train was found to be common in the decomposition of the intramuscular and surface signals acquired from the TA. The system also allowed access to the GG muscle, which cannot be analysed with surface EMG, with successful identification of MU activity. With respect to classic detection systems, the presented thin-film structure enables recording from large populations of active MUs of deep and superficial muscles and thus can provide a faithful representation of the neural drive sent to a muscle.Item A comparison between the adductor pollicis muscle and the abductor digiti minimi muscle using electromyography AF-201P in rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block: a prospective comparative study(BMC, 2022-04-23) Iwasaki, Hajime; Sato, Hanae; Takagi, Shunichi; Kitajima, Osamu; Luthe, Sarah Kyuragi; Suzuki, Takahiro; Anesthesia, School of MedicineBackground: The AF-201P, a new electromyography (EMG)-based neuromuscular monitor has been developed recently. The aim of this clinical study was to compare two ulnar nerve innervated muscles: the adductor pollicis (AP) muscle and the abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscle during the recovery from rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block by using EMG AF-201P. Methods: Twenty patients undergoing surgery with general anesthesia were enrolled in the study. During total intravenous general anesthesia, train-of-four (TOF) and post-tetanic counts (PTC) responses following 0.9 mg/kg rocuronium administration were concurrently monitored at the AP and the ADM muscles with EMG AF-201P on the opposite arms. At the end of the surgery, sugammadex 2 mg/kg was administered when TOF counts of 2 (TOFC2) was observed at both muscles. The primary outcome of the study was time from administration of rocuronium to first appearance of PTC response (first PTC). The secondary outcomes of the study were time from administration of rocuronium to TOF count of 1 (TOFC1), time from first PTC to TOFC1 (PTC-TOF time), time to TOFC2, and time from administration of sugammadex to TOF ratio ≥ 0.9. Agreement between the two muscles was assessed using the Bland-Altman analysis. Data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Results: Nineteen patients were included in the analysis. Time to first PTC was significantly faster at the ADM muscle than the AP muscle (24.4 ± 11.4 min vs 32.4 ± 13.1 min, p = 0.006). PTC-TOF time was significantly longer with the ADM muscle than the AP muscle (19.4 ± 7.3 min vs 12.4 ± 10.6 min, p = 0.019). There were no significant differences in time to TOFC2 and sugammadex-facilitated recovery between the two muscles. Bland-Altman analyses showed acceptable ranges of bias and limits of agreement of the two muscles. Conclusions: The ADM muscle showed a good agreement with the AP muscle during rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block but faster recovery of PTC response when using EMG.Item Differential processing of nociceptive input within upper limb muscles(Public Library of Science, 2018-04-25) Eckert, Nathanial R.; Poston, Brach; Riley, Zachary A.; Kinesiology, School of Physical Education and Tourism ManagementThe cutaneous silent period is an inhibitory evoked response that demonstrates a wide variety of responses in muscles of the human upper limb. Classically, the cutaneous silent period results in a characteristic muscle pattern of extensor inhibition and flexor facilitation within the upper limb, in the presence of nociceptive input. The aims of the current study were: 1) to primarily investigate the presence and characteristics of the cutaneous silent period response across multiple extensor and flexor muscles of the upper limb, and 2) to secondarily investigate the influence of stimulation site on this nociceptive reflex response. It was hypothesized that the cutaneous silent period would be present in all muscles, regardless of role (flexion/extension) or the stimulation site. Twenty-two healthy, university-age adults (14 males; 8 females; 23 ± 5 yrs) participated in the study. Testing consisted of three different stimulation sites (Digit II, V, and II+III nociceptive stimulation) during a low intensity, sustained muscle contraction, in which, 7 upper limb muscles were monitored via surface EMG recording electrodes. Distal muscles of the upper limb presented with the earliest reflex onset times, longest reflex duration, and lowest level of EMG suppression when compared to the more proximal muscles, regardless of extensor/flexor role. Additionally, the greatest overall inhibitory influence was expressed within the distal muscles. In conclusion, the present study provides a new level of refinement within the current understanding of the spinal organization associated with nociceptive input processing and the associated motor control of the upper limb. Subsequently, these results have further implications on the impact of nociception on supraspinal processing.Item Exploring the Influence of Inter-Trial Interval on the Assessment of Short-Interval Intracortical Inhibition(MDPI, 2024-06-25) de Albuquerque, Lidio Lima; Pantovic, Milan; Wilkins, Erik W.; Morris, Desiree; Clingo, Mitchell; Boss, Sage; Riley, Zachary A.; Poston, Brach; Exercise & Kinesiology, School of Health and Human SciencesShort-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) is a common paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measure used to assess primary motor cortex (M1) interneuron activity in healthy populations and in neurological disorders. Many of the parameters of TMS stimulation to most accurately measure SICI have been determined. However, one TMS parameter that has not been investigated is the time between SICI trials (termed inter-trial interval; ITI). This is despite a series of single-pulse TMS studies which have reported that motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude were suppressed for short, but not long ITIs in approximately the initial ten trials of a TMS block of 20–30 trials. The primary purpose was to examine the effects of ITI on the quantification of SICI at rest. A total of 23 healthy adults completed an experimental session that included four SICI trial blocks. Each block utilized a different ITI (4, 6, 8, and 10 s) and was comprised of a total of 26 SICI trials divided into three epochs. ANOVA revealed that the main effects for ITI and epoch as well as their interaction were all non-statistically significant for SICI. We conclude that the shorter (4–6 s) ITIs used in studies investigating SICI should not alter the interpretation of M1 activity, while having the advantages of being more comfortable to participants and reducing the experimental time needed to evaluate perform single and paired-pulse TMS experiments.Item Modulation of the Cutaneous Silent Period in the Upper-Limb with Whole-Body Instability(PLOS, 2016-03-16) Eckert, Nathanial R.; Poston, Brach; Riley, Zachary A.; Department of Kinesiology, School of Physical Education and Tourism ManagementThe silent period induced by cutaneous electrical stimulation of the digits has been shown to be task-dependent, at least in the grasping muscles of the hand. However, it is unknown if the cutaneous silent period is adaptable throughout muscles of the entire upper limb, in particular when the task requirements are substantially altered. The purpose of the present study was to examine the characteristics of the cutaneous silent period in several upper limb muscles when introducing increased whole-body instability. The cutaneous silent period was evoked in 10 healthy individuals with electrical stimulation of digit II of the right hand when the subjects were seated, standing, or standing on a wobble board while maintaining a background elbow extension contraction with the triceps brachii of ~5% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) strength. The first excitatory response (E1), first inhibitory response (CSP), and second excitatory response (E2) were quantified as the percent change from baseline and by their individual durations. The results showed that the level of CSP suppression was lessened (47.7 ± 7.7% to 33.8 ± 13.2% of baseline, p = 0.019) and the duration of the CSP inhibition decreased ( p = 0.021) in the triceps brachii when comparing the seated and wobble board tasks. For the wobble board task the amount of cutaneous afferent inhibition of EMG activity in the triceps brachii decreased; which is proposed to be due to differential weighting of cutaneous feedback relative to the corticospinal drive, most likely due to presynaptic inhibition, to meet the demands of the unstable task.Item The Influence of Different Inter-Trial Intervals on the Quantification of Intracortical Facilitation in the Primary Motor Cortex(MDPI, 2023-11-02) Pantovic, Milan; Boss, Rhett; Noorda, Kevin J.; Premyanov, Mario I.; Aynlender, Daniel G.; Wilkins, Erik W.; Boss, Sage; Riley, Zachary A.; Poston, Brach; Exercise & Kinesiology, School of Health and Human SciencesIntracortical facilitation (ICF) is a paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) measurement used to quantify interneuron activity in the primary motor cortex (M1) in healthy populations and motor disorders. Due to the prevalence of the technique, most of the stimulation parameters to optimize ICF quantification have been established. However, the underappreciated methodological issue of the time between ICF trials (inter-trial interval; ITI) has been unstandardized, and different ITIs have never been compared in a paired-pulse TMS study. This is important because single-pulse TMS studies have found motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude reductions over time during TMS trial blocks for short, but not long ITIs. The primary purpose was to determine the influence of different ITIs on the measurement of ICF. Twenty adults completed one experimental session that involved 4 separate ICF trial blocks with each utilizing a different ITI (4, 6, 8, and 10 s). Two-way ANOVAs indicated no significant ITI main effects for test MEP amplitudes, condition-test MEP amplitudes, and therefore ICF. Accordingly, all ITIs studied provided nearly identical ICF values when averaged over entire trial blocks. Therefore, it is recommended that ITIs of 4–6 s be utilized for ICF quantification to optimize participant comfort and experiment time efficiency.