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Item 4. Getting A Grip On My Depression: A Grounded Theory Explaining How Latina Adolescents Experience, Self-Manage, And Seek Treatment For Depressive Symptoms(Journal of Adolescent Health, 2019) McCord Stafford, Allison; Aalsma, Matthew C.; Bigatti, Silvia M.; Oruche, Ukamaka M.; Burke Draucker, ClaireLatina adolescents are more likely to experience depressive symptoms and less likely to receive mental health services than White peers. Although evidence-based treatments exist to treat adolescent depression, few treatments have been modified to meet the cultural needs of this population. In order to develop culturally sensitive strategies for preventing, identifying, and treating depressive symptoms in Latina adolescents, it is necessary to understand how they experience, self-manage, and seek treatment for their depressive symptoms over time from their own perspective. The purpose of this study was to develop a theoretical framework that explains how Latina adolescents experience, self-manage, and seek treatment for their depressive symptoms.Item A National Survey of U.S. Adolescent Sleep Duration, Timing, and Social Jetlag During the COVID-19 Pandemic(Taylor & Francis, 2023) Wesley, Katherine L.; Cooper, Emily H.; Brinton, John T.; Meier, Maxene; Honaker, Sarah; Simon, Stacey L.; Pediatrics, School of MedicineObjectives: To assess changes in duration, timing, and social jetlag in adolescent sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluate the impact of mood, physical activity, and social interactions on sleep. Study design: An online survey queried adolescents' sleep before (through retrospective report) and during the initial phase of COVID-19 in May 2020. Adolescents (N = 3,494), 13-19 years old, in the United States (U.S.) answered questions about their current and retrospective (prior to COVID-19) sleep, chronotype, mood, and physical and social activities. Linear regression models were fit for time in bed, reported bed and wake times, and social jetlag during COVID-19, accounting for pre-COVID-19 values. Results: Total reported time in bed (a proxy for sleep duration) increased on weekdays by an average of 1.3 ± 1.8 hours (p < .001) during COVID-19, compared to retrospective report of time in bed prior to COVID-19. During COVID-19, 81.3% of adolescents reported spending 8 hours or more in bed on weekdays compared to only 53.5% prior to COVID-19. On weekdays, bedtimes were delayed on average by 2.5 hours and wake times by 3.8 hours during COVID-19 compared to prior to COVID-19. On weekends, bedtimes were delayed on average by 1.6 hours and waketimes by 1.5 hours (all p's < 0.001). Social jetlag of >2 hours decreased to 6.3% during COVID-19 compared to 52.1% prior to COVID-19. Anxiety and depression symptoms and a decline in physical activity during COVID-19 were associated with delayed bed and wake times during COVID-19. Conclusions: During COVID-19, adolescents reported spending more time in bed, with most adolescents reporting 8 hours of sleep opportunity and more consistent sleep schedules. As schools return to in-person learning, additional research should examine how sleep schedules may change due to school start times and what lessons can be learned from changes that occurred during COVID-19 that promote favorable adolescent sleep.Item A Study of the Correlation of Incisive Biting Forces with Age, Sex and Anterior Occlusion(1971) Kotwal, Navroze Shavak; Standish, S. Miles; Chalian, Varoujan A.; Shanks, James C.This study was designed to prove or disprove the fact that incisive biting force can be correlated with the variables chosen which were age, sex and anterior occlusion (overjet, overbite and cuspid relation). The amount of linear contact made by the incisal edges of the upper and lower incisors was also included as one of the variables. One hundred and fifty individuals, 80 males and 70 females, between the ages of 10 and 25 were selected for this study. This was a cross sectional study in which four readings of the maximum biting ability were recorded for every individual just once during the study and an average of the four recordings was taken. An intra-oral force transducer using strain gages was employed to record incisive biting forces. The results indicated that age, sex and amount of linear contact were correlated with biting force when considered singly. When the variables were considered jointly through a stepwise regression analysis overbite also entered as a significant predictor of biting force in addition to the three mentioned variables. Multiple correlation coefficient R was 0.54 for the four entered variables (age squared, sex, overbite and linear contact squared) with biting force. The R squared value was 0.29 so that 29 percent of the variation in incisive biting force of this sample was due to these four variables. The correlated R-squared value indicates a large error of prediction and a low degree of precision in estimating biting force from these four variables. Therefore, a regression equation is not demonstrated.Item Access to Emergency Contraception After Removal of Age Restrictions(American Academy of Pediatrics, 2017-07) Wilkinson, Tracey A.; Clark, Porsche; Rafie, Sally; Carroll, Aaron E.; Miller, Elizabeth; Pediatrics, School of MedicineBACKGROUND: Levonorgestrel emergency contraception (EC) is safe and effective for postcoital pregnancy prevention. Starting in 2013, the US Food and Drug Administration removed age restrictions, enabling EC to be sold over the counter to all consumers. We sought to compare the availability and access for female adolescents with the 2012 study, using the same study design. METHODS: Female mystery callers posing as 17-year-old adolescents in need of EC used standardized scripts to telephone 979 pharmacies in 5 US cities. Using 2015 estimated census data and the federal poverty level, we characterized income levels of pharmacy neighborhoods. RESULTS: Of 979 pharmacies, 827 (83%) indicated that EC was available. This proportion did not vary by pharmacy neighborhood income level, nor was significantly different from the 2012 study (P = .78). When examining access, 8.3% of the pharmacies reported it was impossible to obtain EC under any circumstances, which occurred more often in low-income neighborhoods (10.3% vs 6.3%, adjusted odds ratio 1.5; 95% confidence interval 1.20-1.94). This was not significantly different from 2012 (P = .66). Correct information regarding over-the-counter access was conveyed only 51.6% of the time; accuracy did not differ by pharmacy's neighborhood income (47.9% vs 55.3%, adjusted odds ratio 0.89; 95% confidence interval 0.71-1.11) and was not significantly different from 2012 (P = .37). CONCLUSIONS: A majority of pharmacies have EC available; however, barriers to and disparities in access for adolescents persist and have not changed since the previous study despite regulatory changes that were designed to improve access to EC.Item Acute psychosis and serotonin syndrome in the setting of "Triple-C" overdose: a case report(BMC, 2021-11) Bachar, Roudi; Majewski, John Robert; Shrack, Christopher; El-Khoury, Anthony; Graduate Medical Education, School of MedicineBACKGROUND: Over-the-counter medication overdose is a difficult diagnostic challenge for many physicians as common drug screening assays cannot detect these substances. We present a case of acute psychosis, serotonin syndrome, and anticholinergic overdose-like properties in the setting of Coricidin HBP Cough & Cold tablets, known by their street name Triple-C. This is the first case report we are aware of involving a patient presenting with these symptoms and requiring critical-care-level support. CASE PRESENTATION: A 31-year-old African American female with a past medical history of anxiety, childhood asthma, previous methamphetamine abuse, and coronavirus disease 2019 infection in August 2020 was brought to the emergency department by the local police department with altered mental status. Initial blood work, including extended drug screens, were unremarkable for a definitive diagnosis. This patient required critical-care-level support and high sedation because of her symptoms. Collateral history revealed the patient regularly consumed Triple-C daily for the 6 weeks prior to admission. A trial off sedation was attempted after 24 hours with no complications. The patient admitted to regular Triple-C consumption and auditory hallucinations since adolescence. She was discharged safely after 48 hours back into the community. She was lost to follow-up with psychiatry and internal medicine; however, she was evaluated in the emergency room 1 month later with a similar psychiatric presentation. CONCLUSION: Overdose of Triple-C should be kept in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with a triad of psychosis, serotonin syndrome, and anticholinergic overdose, in the setting of unknown substance ingestion.Item An ADH1B variant and peer drinking in progression to adolescent drinking milestones: Evidence of a gene-by-environment interaction(Wiley Online Library, 2014-10) Olfson, Emily; Edenberg, Howard J.; Nurnberger Jr., John; Agrawal, Arpana; Bucholz, Kathleen K.; Almasy, Laura A.; Chorlian, David; Dick, Danielle M.; Hesselbrock, Victor M.; Kramer, John R.; Kuperman, Samuel; Porjesz, Bernice; Schuckit, Marc A.; Tischfield, Jay A.; Wang, Jen-Chyong; Wetherill, Leah; Foroud, Tatiana M.; Rice, John; Goate, Alison; Bierut, Laura J.; Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, IU School of MedicineBACKGROUND: Adolescent drinking is an important public health concern, one that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. The functional variant rs1229984 in alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) has been associated at a genome-wide level with alcohol use disorders in diverse adult populations. However, few data are available regarding whether this variant influences early drinking behaviors and whether social context moderates this effect. This study examines the interplay between rs1229984 and peer drinking in the development of adolescent drinking milestones. METHODS: One thousand five hundred and fifty European and African American individuals who had a full drink of alcohol before age 18 were selected from a longitudinal study of youth as part of the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism (COGA). Cox proportional hazards regression, with G × E product terms in the final models, was used to study 2 primary outcomes during adolescence: age of first intoxication and age of first DSM-5 alcohol use disorder symptom. RESULTS: The minor A allele of rs1229984 was associated with a protective effect for first intoxication (HR = 0.56, 95% CI 0.41 to 0.76) and first DSM-5 symptom (HR = 0.45, 95% CI 0.26 to 0.77) in the final models. Reporting that most or all best friends drink was associated with a hazardous effect for first intoxication (HR = 1.81, 95% CI 1.62 to 2.01) and first DSM-5 symptom (HR = 2.17, 95% 1.88 to 2.50) in the final models. Furthermore, there was a significant G × E interaction for first intoxication (p = 0.002) and first DSM-5 symptom (p = 0.01). Among individuals reporting none or few best friends drinking, the ADH1B variant had a protective effect for adolescent drinking milestones, but for those reporting most or all best friends drinking, this effect was greatly reduced. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the risk factor of best friends drinking attenuates the protective effect of a well-established ADH1B variant for 2 adolescent drinking behaviors. These findings illustrate the interplay between genetic and environmental factors in the development of drinking milestones during adolescence.Item Adolescent Access to Federally Funded Clinics Providing Confidential Family Planning Following Changes to Title X Funding Regulations(American Medical Association, 2022-06-01) Krass, Polina; Tam, Vicky; Min, Jungwon; Joslin, Isabella; Khabie, Lily; Wilkinson, Tracey A.; Wood, Sarah M.; Pediatrics, School of MedicineImportance: In May 2019, new federal regulations regarding Title X funding were introduced. There has been no formal evaluation of the impact of this regulatory shift as it pertains to minors' access to services. Objective: To explore the geography of federally funded clinics providing confidential reproductive care to adolescents following changes to Title X funding regulations. Design, setting, and participants: This retrospective cross-sectional study used a population-based sample of US Census tracts. All clinics participating in the Title X program in August 2018 and August 2020 were included in the analysis. Data were analyzed from January to December 2021. Exposures: Period, defined as before and after the 2019 Title X rule change (August 2018 and August 2020, respectively). Main outcomes and measures: US Census tracts were evaluated for the availability of confidential family planning care within a 30-minute drive, according to the presence of a Title X clinic or a permissive state law. Census tracts in which minors lost access to confidential care after the rule change were characterized in terms of demographic characteristics. Univariate logistic regression evaluated associations between Census tract characteristics and the odds of losing vs maintaining access to legally protected confidential minor services. Results: The study included 72 620 Census tracts, accounting for approximately 324 697 728 US residents (99.96% of the population). After the Title X rule change, 1743 clinics in the Title X program left (39.0%) and minors living in 6299 Census tracts (8.7%) lost access to confidential family planning care, corresponding to an estimated 933 649 youth aged 15 to 17 years. Minors living in rural Census tracts (odds ratio [OR], 1.27; 95% CI, 1.18-1.36) and those in the Midwest (OR, 2.41; 95% CI, 2.24-2.60) had higher odds of losing access to care. Minors living in Census tracts with a higher Social Vulnerability Index (OR, 0.51; 95% CI, 0.47-0.55), a larger proportion of Black individuals (OR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.31-0.37), and/or a larger proportion of Hispanic individuals (OR, 0.45; 95% CI, 0.42-0.49) were less likely to lose access to care. Conclusions and relevance: These findings suggest that there were losses in access to legally protected confidential reproductive health services for youth after the 2019 Title X rule change. Although evidence-based Title X guidelines have since been reinstated, state laws that ensure adolescent confidentiality in obtaining family planning services may protect youth from future alterations to the Title X program.Item Adolescent suicide assessment and management in primary care(BMC, 2022-07-02) Aalsma, M.; Keys, J.; Ferrin, S.; Shan, M.; Garbuz, T.; Scott, T.; Adams, Z.; Hulvershorn, L.; Downs, S.; Pediatrics, School of MedicineBackground: To understand how suicide management occurs within the primary care setting in terms of follow-up assessments and referral practices. Methods: At an initial primary care visit, adolescents (aged 12-20 years old) completed electronic screening. Data were focused on youth who endorsed a suicidal risk item while completing screening at two Midwestern primary care clinics. Data were collected through retrospective chart reviews to analyze actions taken by the primary care physician at the youth's initial visit and follow-up visit within the next 12 months. Results: At initial visits 200 adolescents endorsed a suicidal risk item and 39 (19.5%) were considered to be concerning by their primary care physician. The average age was 14.7 years old (SD ± 2.0). Seventy-two percent (n = 144) were female, and 65% (n = 129) identified as Black. At initial visits, significant differences between suicidal concern groups were found in reporting active suicidal ideation, past suicide attempts, those who were referred to behavioral health counseling, and those who had a diagnosis of depression. Interestingly, only 13% (n = 25) of all patients who endorsed the suicide item were asked whether or not there were weapons in their home and primary care providers asked only 7% (n = 13) of all patients whether they had a safety plan. Conclusions: There was inconsistent follow-up for adolescents with a history of suicide concerns. At this time, national guidelines do not exist regarding primary care follow-up of youth with suicide concerns. Guidelines are a necessary precursor for practice improvement.Item Adolescents with urinary stones have elevated urine levels of inflammatory mediators(Springer, 2019-04-16) Kusumi, Kirsten; Ketz, John; Saxena, Vijay; Spencer, John David; Safadi, Fayez; Schwaderer, Andrew; Pediatrics, School of MedicineBackground: Urinary stone are increasing in children, primarily during adolescence. Although urinary stones are often viewed in the context of intermittent stone events, increasing evidence indicates that stones are a metabolic process associated with chronic kidney disease and low bone mass. These aforementioned stone associated conditions may have pediatric origins. Objective: To compare urine inflammatory markers in otherwise healthy stone forming children versus matched controls. Methods: Urine samples were collected from 12 adolescents with urinary stones along with 15 controls. The levels of 30 urine cytokines were measured using a Mesoscale 30-Plex Human Cytokine panel and normalized to urine creatinine levels. Results: Macrophage inflammatory protein 1β and Interleukin 13 levels were significantly elevated in the urine of the stone forming adolescents compared to controls. Interleukin 17A was elevated in the urine of controls. Conclusions: This study indicates that urine levels of cytokines involved in chronic inflammation and fibrosis are elevated urinary stone formers as early as adolescence. Because stone formers are at risk for chronic kidney disease, Macrophage inflammatory protein 1β and Interleukin 13 represent investigative targets.Item Adolescents' Discussion of Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Topics With Providers: Findings From a Nationally Representative Probability Sample of U.S. Adolescents(Elsevier, 2021-03) Hensel, Devon J.; Herbenick, Debby; Beckmeyer, Jonathon J.; Fu, Tsung-chieh; Dodge, Brian; Pediatrics, School of MedicinePurpose National practice guidelines encourage providers address sexual and reproductive health (SRH) as part of all clinical encounters with adolescents. Yet, no studies provide nationally representative estimates of how frequently adolescents are screened. Methods Data were adolescent participants (aged 14–17 years; N = 826) in the 2018 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, an online, nationally representative study of sexual health experiences of people in the U.S. SRH variables were: (all no/yes) pregnancy prevention, sexual identity, STD/HIV prevention, sexual difficulties, sexually transmitted infections testing, and sexual activity. We used descriptive statistics and weighted logistic regression (Stata 16.0; all p < .05) to examine differences in the odds of SRH discussion with provider by sexual identity, age, gender, and race/ethnicity. Results The coverage of SRH topics was poor. The most common topic was asking about sexual activity (52.9%), and the least common was being offered a sexually transmitted infection test (21.7%). An adolescent’s sexual identity, race/ethnicity, and age affected the odds of topic screening. Conclusions Health care providers appear to both infrequently and inconsistently address key SRH topics during encounters with young people. Targeted interventions should focus on strengthening the regularity and depth of clinicians’ SRH conversations regardless of adolescent demographic or history.