(2011-07) Torke, Alexia M.; Sachs, Greg A.; Helft, Paul R.; Petronio, Sandra; Purnell, Christianna E.; Hui, Siu; Callahan, Christopher M.
OBJECTIVES: To examine the frequency of surrogate decisions for in-hospital do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders and the timing of DNR order entry for surrogate decisions.
DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.
SETTING: Large, urban, public hospital.
PARTICIPANTS: Hospitalized adults aged 65 and older over a 3-year period (1/1/2004–12/31/2006) with a DNR order during their hospital stay.
MEASUREMENTS: Electronic chart review provided data on frequency of surrogate decisions, patient demographic and clinical characteristics, and timing of DNR orders.
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