(Association of Kenya Physicians, 2007) Owiti, M. O. G.; Association of Kenya Physicians Scientific Conference (11th : Mar. 2007 : Eldoret, Kenya)
J.A. 48 yrs male - Diabetic since July 1997, on insulin. Crf & high Bp-2004.urea=57.3, crt=1040. Lt kid-7.27x3.62, rt kid8.51x3.34cm, loss of cmd. Haemodialysis x2 wkly till last two wksx3. While on treatment Bp=150/100, pulse78/min. on Adalat 20mg b.d,lasix 80mg od, captopril 25mg b.d,ca-sandoz i.o.d, recormon 2000i.u x2wkly, venofer 100 wkly, ranitidine150 mgo.d.
N.C. 17 yrs female - Facial puff, head ache,oliguria, epigastric and bil loin Painsx3/52. 03.08.2004. Post herbal use. Abortion –pph, 07.06.04, post abortal psychosis. Bp220/110mmhg, hb=7.6g/dl,
Op=600mls, ip=1.5l.