Guest Editors of this issue: Emily M. Okada and the Steering Committee of the Bibliographic Instruction/User Education Section, Indiana Library Federation.
(H.W. Wilson Company, 1997) Pask, Judith M.; Cordell, Rosanne M.
Barbara Wittkopf, in a summary of her survey of ARL Libraries ["A
Look at the State of BI Credit Courses in ARL-Member Libraries." Research
Strategies 9 (Fall 199 1): 162- 1631 states that "there has been a positive shift
away from library orientation tours and tool-specific instruction toward the
development of research skills and strategies." Some academic libraries have
offered a credit course in library research skills for years, while others have
recently added a course to cope with the need for information literacy education.
In addition to decisions about what and how to teach, the procedures
for offering such a credit course vary greatly from institution to institution.