Hi. My name is Becky Liu-Lastres, and I'm an assistant professor in the Department of Tourism Event Sport Management in the School of Health and Human Sciences at IUPUI. Tourism Hospitality has been one of solid supporters to our economy, both at local state and even national levels. So Indianapolis a prime example as it benefits from the development of event tourism, especially Sport Eventurism. So Indi 500 for example has been named the biggest sport event of the pandemic. The economic potential and possible outcome of this industry is significant. However, it is very vulnerable to adverse events such as COVID 19. My research agenda mainly concerns tourism crisis communication and management. I use a systematic approach, meaning that I see tourism hospitality as a dynamic system. I conduct various research to see how different components of the system, such as individuals, organizations, and destination, react to the risk and crisis issues. Through the lens of different theories, my research was able to reveal why would they react to certain issues in certain ways. Also, by reviewing this process, we're able to develop strategies that we can use to achieve dcable outcomes. For example, I study how adventure tourists perceive risk and how to encourage them to engage in risk reduction strategies. Another pject I did before was to see how cruise lines respond to neurovirus, and how to develop effective strategies that encourage the cruise tourists to adopt self protection behavior while maintains their confidence in the pada and a strong purchase intention. So considering the current situation, my research has focused on resilience building. So Resilience refers to the concept, how system assort disruptions and how quick they can bounce back. So In tourism hostality, resilens are reflected at three levels, individual organization, and destination. So my previous research has explored destination resilience. For example, we investigated how we can enhance destination resilience through private public partnerships. My ongoing research projects are looking at how organizations achieve event resilience during the current climate and how individuals, especially tourism hospitality employees manage the situation. Tourism hospitality has been long seen as a contest for social science research, but my previous experience do show that there is some uniqueness to this field and interdisciplinary efforts are very much needed. Thus, I look forward to working with researchers of different backgrounds and to continue developing solutions suggestions to various problems lying ahead. Thanks.