I'm David Craig, Professor of Religious Studies. And I'm Pamela Napier Associate Professor of Visual Communication Design. Our project is a new HIP publish. We want to make a IP to care about all Hoosiers health and wellness. Hip stands for the Healthy Indiana Plan, which is Indiana's Medicaid Expansion. We are grateful for this opportunity to apply lessons learned from our 2019 partnership with two Intercity Faith communities, First Baptist Church, North, Indianapolis and the Shepherd Community Center. Together, our team list of the HIP members experiences and their solutions for strengthening the HIP program. Hi and again, Members praise direct personal assistance and relationships with trusted community organizations as the keys for successful IP enrollment and navigation. Absolutely. Students are key in this project work that we're doing. Currently, our second year visual Communication Design, MFA students are working with insurers, a learning community of congregations, and the center for Interfaith Cooperation, engaging them in remote participatory design sessions so that we can gain insights from their expertise in order to improve IP and plan a fund raising campaigns to support IP members. In the spring, we're going to work with another group of students, undergraduates from my religion ethics and health class and undergraduates from Professor Napier's designing in context course. We're going to engage diverse congregations to learn about how they understand, practice, and support health and wellness inside and outside their congregations, and then the visual communication design students are going to design beautiful visuals to begin to create living document of the diverse ways that people support health and wellness across our community. Absolutely. And we are so excited to be working on this project. We're so grateful to have so many wonderful partners and students that are working with us on this. And so just thank you to the university for the opportunity. Thank you very much and thanks again to our community members. None of this happens without the community doing the work. That's. Well said.