Hello. My name is Susi Mariscal, and I am an associate professor at Indiana University School of Social Work. I research child and treatment prevention and the promotion of resilience among children and families. What is resilience? Resilience is that transformational capacity that all human beings have to overcome adversity. And it emerges in the interplay between risk and protective factors. What are risk factors? Risk factors can be adversity, victimization, traumatic event or a natural disaster. And what are protective factors? They're the strengths, assets, resources, skills, supports that children and families have or that may develop. To overcome adversity. And one of the most important protective factors is caring relationships. When a child feels seen, heard, understood, safe, loved, valued, that child can take that strength throughout their life. So that strength is so critical because it can be transformational, and it can be a protective factor that can be activated anytime that there are difficult times of adversity. Now, the beauty of resilience is that caring relationships are not exclusive of parent and children. So parents are not the only adults who can make a child feel safe and loved. Grandparents, any relatives, coaches, teachers, mentors, neighbors, can be also that caring adult for children. And the same thing for parents. So the more protective factors we have, the better families will do. Protective factors actually may be shielding families from maltreatment, and that's what is the premise of strength based prevention. And one of my projects is implementing precisely from the approach of strength spaced prevention. It is implementing a primary child maltreatment prevention program in Indiana. We are implementing four family resource centers, and this is in collaboration with over 200 partners at the state and local levels. And this is in collaboration with Firefly, Children and Family Alliance, and Department of Child Services. I mean, multiple, multiple agencies that are supporting us in different ways. And What do we do. What do we offer at the family Resource Centers. We offer concrete supports, and that is, you know, taka McNeil, so it's Susi store. It's a store that we have, and you can visit our website if you want to check them out. Baby items, hygiene items. We have monthly family fun events precisely to strengthen those bonds between children and parents. We also offer parent cafes to create, you know, informal support among parents. It's sometimes important to know that it is okay that you don't know that you don't need to have everything figure out about parenting, and those parent cafes are the perfect space to talk about it. We also offer a window two world studies an arts program to, you know, support the expression of those feelings that are sometimes difficult to express. And we offer a variety of services through our wonderful community navigators. They're making magic. We also have multiple collocated services from those partners and many, many more things. So check them out.