Morehead, AlexOgden, LaurenMagee, GabeHosler, RyanWhite, BruceMohler, George2020-12-112020-12-112019-12Morehead, A., Ogden, L., Magee, G., Hosler, R., White, B., & Mohler, G. (2019). Low Cost Gunshot Detection using Deep Learning on the Raspberry Pi. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3038–3044. cities using gunshot detection technology depend on expensive systems that ultimately rely on humans differentiating between gunshots and non-gunshots, such as ShotSpotter. Thus, a scalable gunshot detection system that is low in cost and high in accuracy would be advantageous for a variety of cities across the globe, in that it would favorably promote the delegation of tasks typically worked by humans to machines. A repository of audio data was created from sound clips collected from online audio databases as well as from clips recorded using a USB microphone in residential areas and at a gun range. One-dimensional as well as two-dimensional convolutional neural networks were then trained on this sound data, and spectrograms created from this sound data, to recognize gunshots. These models were deployed to a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ with a short message service modem and a USB microphone attached, using a software pipeline to continuously analyze discrete two-second chunks of audio and alert a set of phone numbers if a gunshot is detected in that chunk. Testing found that a majority-rules ensemble of our one-dimensional and two-dimensional models fared best, with an accuracy above 99% on validation data as well as when distinguishing gunshots from fireworks. Besides increasing the safety standards for a city's residents, the findings generated by this research project expand the current state of knowledge regarding sound-based applications of convolutional neural networks.enPublisher Policymachine learningneural networksmicroprocessors and microcomputersLow Cost Gunshot Detection using Deep Learning on the Raspberry PiArticle