Litzau, MeganTurner, JosephPettit, KatieMorgan, ZacharyCooper, Dylan2019-06-282019-06-282018-11Litzau, M., Turner, J., Pettit, K., Morgan, Z., & Cooper, D. (2018). Obtaining History with a Language Barrier in the Emergency Department: Perhaps not a Barrier After All. The western journal of emergency medicine, 19(6), 934–937. doi:10.5811/westjem.2018.8.39146 3.0 United StatesCommunication BarriersEmergency Service, HospitalHispanic AmericansHospitals, TeachingMedical History TakingPatient SafetyPhysician-Patient RelationsProspective StudiesObtaining History with a Language Barrier in the Emergency Department: Perhaps not a Barrier After AllArticle