Mithun, ShamimaGoldfarb, Nancy2023-12-122023-12-122022-10-11Mithun, S., & Goldfarb, N. (2022). Incorporating Global Learning Perspectives in a Freshman Computing Curriculum. 2022 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1–9. research-to-practice full paper describes our integration of global learning perspectives through a research-based group project in a First-Year Seminar course for new technology major students at our urban Midwestern university, IUPUI (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis). Since 2003, the ACE (American Council on Education) has emphasized global competencies, which are defined as "the attitudes, skills, and knowledge to live and work in a multicultural and interconnected world". Despite the increasing recognition of the importance of developing these global competencies, opportunities for young people to do so suffer from issues of accessibility. Educational institutions are challenged with providing opportunities to prepare students for global citizenship in the twenty-first century and are working to expand global competency education. Our undergraduate institution is no exception.In accordance with this mission, we incorporated global learning perspectives through a group project in our First-Year-Seminar course to increase students’ interest in global learning experiences (such as studying abroad) and provide resources for students to develop global competencies. This is important both for personal development in the quest for a more equitable world and employability; employers repeatedly convey that awareness of global issues is a highly desirable characteristic in potential hires.In our implementation, students selected a global issue, chosen from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals database, which had unique significance to them and their communities. This approach allowed space for students to take ownership and agency over the content of their learning experiences while ensuring they engaged with the following learning objectives: 1)Team collaboration, communication, and cohesion 2)Conducting independent research on a global problem and its solutions 3)Synthesis of information from multiple sources and perspectives to develop an informed stance 4)Developing a stance regarding a global problem and justification of this stance using data 5)Creating a well-organized deliverable with consideration for the audience (i.e., their peers) and contextWe point to course survey data and student reflections to evaluate our course. Students conveyed how the course structure enabled them to (a) consider global perspectives around issues that may or may not have been salient to them before the course, (b) experience empathy for people experiencing challenges related to the issues of interest and gratitude for their circumstances, and (c) consider their personal role in addressing global issues in their communities. Students also indicated an interest in further addressing such issues through self-education and advocacy on a community and political scale.To further expand efforts to make global competency education accessible, our next implementation will utilize Collaborative Online International Learning experiences in which students virtually collaborate with students outside of the United States through our local Office of International Affairs. Through these collaborations, students will be challenged to consider how such global issues manifest in different communities, cultures, and geographic regions and the implications of these differences for solution design.en-USFirst-Year-SeminarGlobal LearningSustainable Development GoalsIncorporating Global Learning Perspectives in a Freshman Computing CurriculumArticle