Kochhar, KomalMasseria, AnthonyWalsh, SarahSkillman, BrianDunham, JenniferWallach, Paul2024-04-222024-04-222024-04Kochhar K, Masseria A, Walsh S, Skillman B, Dunham J, Wallach P. “Bridging the Feedback Gap: The Efficacy of the Strategic Student Survey in Capturing the Medical Student Experience.” Association of American Medical Colleges Central Group on Educational Affairs Conference, Milwaukee, WI, April 3-5, 2024https://hdl.handle.net/1805/40128Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) developed the annual Strategic Student Survey (S3) in 2018 as both a mechanism to continuously monitor compliance with LCME standards and to provide a view of the student experience and allow for timely interventions. Selected items from the S3 were matched to questions asked on the in-house End of Clerkship evaluations (EOC) and the AAMC surveys - Year 2 Questionnaire (Y2Q) and Graduation Questionnaire (GQ). The present study seeks to determine the efficacy of the S3 to complement this suite of other evaluation instruments and provide a comprehensive, longitudinal view of student satisfaction with their educational experiences. Analysis of selected items common to all instruments shows evidence that the S3 does indeed provide a reasonable proxy for findings from other surveys.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalMedical student feedbackStrategic student surveyMedical student experienceBridging the Feedback Gap: The Efficacy of the Strategic Student Survey in Capturing the Medical Student ExperiencePoster