IUPUI Working Group on Ethical Community Engagement in Global Learning2020-01-132020-01-132020-01-13IUPUI Working Group on Ethical Community Engagement in Global Learning (2019). Conflicted Faculty Advisor: An Ethics in Action Case Example. Retrieved from: https://scholarworks.iupui.edu/handle/1805/21362https://hdl.handle.net/1805/21843You are the faculty advisor for a university-recognized national undergraduate student organization that participates in global health volunteerism each year. Students state that they typically participate in the program because they are excited about immersing themselves in a new culture, learning new health care practices and systems, and helping locals gain access to medical care. As students begin preparations for this year’s trip, you come across a news report detailing some unethical practices uncovered by commercial global health volunteerism programs. Some of the students recall witnessing similar behaviors on previous trips. As you discuss ethical practices with students, you begin to question some of the activities that the national organization endorses and in which students have engaged. When discussing your concerns, students present you with questions about their roles in global health volunteerism; what responsibilities they have to the program, the community, and themselves; and how to ensure that participants recognize and engage in ethical behaviors. The students' inquiries prompt you to question your role and responsibilities as a faculty advisor. Do you have the time and capacity to offer the support and guidance they appear to need?enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalGlobal service learningEthical community engagementStudy abroadGlobal learningEthical partnershipsGlobal engagementCommunity-based educationEthical volunteerismGlobal health volunteerismAdvisor roleConflicted Faculty Advisor: An Ethics in Action Case ExampleOther