McCabe, Heather A.2015-12-222015-12-222012-04-13Heather A. McCabe, JD, MSW. (2012, April 13). It’s All About the Implementation: How Health Reform’s Implementation Details will Impact Persons with Disabilities and Chronic Conditions. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana. abstractDespite the recent vote for repeal and the legal challenges, the Affordable Care Act remains in effect and moving forward. The federal government is working on the complex system of regulations needed in order to implement the reforms. Work has also begun at the state level to investigate the best systems for state implementation. While language in the law has created some hope of improvements for persons who have disabilities or chronic health conditions, for example elimination of preexisting conditions and creation of additional community based options, it remains to be seen whether or not the final outcome of reforms will benefit all segments of the population.en-USPersons with DisabilitiesAffordable Care Actreformsstate implementationIt’s All About the Implementation: How Health Reform’s Implementation Details will Impact Persons with Disabilities and Chronic ConditionsPoster