Price, Jeremy F.Manlove, JoshuaCarr, K.Siddeeq, Khadijah2023-04-032023-04-032019Price, J. F., Manlove, J., Siddeeq, K., Carr, K. (2019). Asking the Right Questions: Stumbling Through Contemplative Pedagogies in Research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Contemplative Mind in Higher Education, Amherst, MA handout is based on a research project in which suburban US middle school teachers in a rapidly diversifying predominantly white and Christian community are introduced to contemplative pedagogies and practices to explore a sense of self and to grapple with issues of race, religion, and identity. These teachers are not "early adopters" of contemplative pedagogies and practices, and we found they moved back-and-forth between engaging in avoidance strategies and critique and criticism of the contemplative readings, practices, and activities to circumvent difficult discussions around identities. We provide insight into what this means for working and engaging with individuals who are not predisposed to contemplative work. We share how we worked through collective frustration and disappointment with the teachers sidestepping important conversations and learned to ask the right questions to sustain our well-being and to deeply explore issues related to justice, inclusion, and respectful dialogue and actions.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Internationalcontemplative pedagogygrounded theoryresearch methodologyeducational researchAsking the Right Questions: Stumbling Through Contemplative Pedagogies in ResearchOther