Indiana State Board of Health2011-01-252011-01-251904Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. (1904); 6(10): 109-120.0019-6754 of mortality statistics for October 1904 p.109 / Summary of morbidity and mortality in October 1904 p.110 / Smallpox p.110 / Tuberculosis p.110 / Typhoid fever p.110 / Pneumonia p.110 / Deaths by violence p.110 / Smallpox at Otterbein and Pine Village p.110 / Diphtheria in orphans' home Mexico Indiana, Miami County p.112 / Tonsilitis or diphtheria, which? p.113 / Backache p.113 / Report of secretary of the state of board of health on food adulteration in Indiana p.115 / Four thousand vaccinated p.116 / Chart showing geographical distribution of deaths from certain communicable diseases in October 1904 p.117 / Deaths in Indiana by counties during the month of October 1904 p.118 / Deaths in Indiana by cities during the month of October 1904 p.119 / Mortality of Indiana for October 1904 p.120 / Meteorological summary for October 1904 p.120IndianaDescriptive StatisticsAge-specific death rateCause-specific death rateInfant mortalityHomicideSuicideCommunicable diseaseInfectious DiseaseQuarantineTonsillitisDiagnostic errorBack PainFood AdulterationVaccinationSmallpoxSmallpox, BlackApple ButterButterBristol, Mr.Smith, T. W.Blind, FrankKendall, Dr. C. W.Delancey, S. S.Maple SyrupHoneyJellyMass ImmunizationBrazilClay CountyOrr, Dr. W. H.OtterbeinWarren CountyDisease Transmission, Person-to-PersonIntussusceptionIsolationDiphtheriaDiphtheria AnitoxinOrphangesOrphansMiami CountyMexico (IN)Bentle, PerryParke, Davis & CompanyFood InspectionZeigler, EdnaMyers, Mrs.King, Mrs.Haddau, Mrs.Piffer, AllenCreme of TartarBaking PowderVinegarSterilization for Infection ControlTreatment ProtocolPrescriptions, DrugEnteral FeedingAppleman, Reverend JohnDiagnosis, LaboratoryPreventable Adverse EffectPainRheumatic DiseasesRheumatismSkirtsClothingDisease ReservoirSpit or SpittingTuberculosisPatent MedicinesAnxiety DisordersAnxiety States, NeuroticDustRespiratory IllnessDisease PreventionPrimary PreventionSunlightSunlight, Antiseptic PropertiesIndiana State Board of Health Monthly Bulletin, 1904 Vol. 6 No. 10