Mahoney, JenniferBuchenot, Andy2023-08-092023-08-092023Mahoney, Jennifer, and Andy Buchenot. Reading, Writing, and Inquiry. Indianapolis: Indiana University, 2023. textbook is designed to help students: develop meaningful questions to engage in inquiry, develop strategies for reading rhetorically to understand and comprehend a variety of print/online texts, develop strategies for writing rhetorically to communicate with a variety of audiences for varying purposes, identify as writers who control their own processes for reading, writing, and inquiry. It is a guide that explains concepts like “reading rhetorically” and “synthesis.” It also provides activities that will help students do things like “contribute and use feedback” or “generate reflections.” The textbook argues that these concepts and activities will be useful writers in many situations.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalWritingCompositionReadingLanguage ArtsTextbookReading, Writing, and InquiryOther