Song, Yiqing2020-07-272020-07-272020-03-18Song, Y. (2020). 10 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle and Body Weight. Fairbanks School of Public Health. this extreme moment, we began working from home, away from campus, and keeping social distance for as many people as possible. As we stay home and are stuck with the foods that have been in our fridge or pantry for a while, we are temporarily living a sedentary lifestyle with increased odds of physical inactivity, excessive eating and sitting, stress, anxiety, and depression. In particular, many of us will gain some weight during the pandemic and may keep the extra weight permanently, which may carry considerable health risks for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, and other health problems. Here, I’d like to share some basic tips and resources for how to maintain your healthy lifestyle, body weight, and overall well-being while staying home and engaging in social distancing.en-USPublisher PolicyCOVID-19Public HealthWellnessRecommendations10 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle and Body WeightArticle