Sankar, UmaWilliams, Justin N.Evans-Molina, CarmellaBonewald, LyndaBurr, DavidAllen, Matthew2022-08-092022-08-092022-07 University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a growing problem globally and is associated with increased fracture risk and delayed bone healing. Novel approaches are needed in the treatment of T2DM and the resulting diabetic osteopathy. Recent studies highlight the role of bone as an endocrine organ producing factors that communicate with distant tissues to modulate systemic glucose metabolism. Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase kinase 2 (CaMKK2) is a potent regulator of whole-body energy metabolism, inflammation, bone remodeling and fracture healing. Genetic ablation of CaMKK2 protects from diet-induced obesity, insulin resistance and inflammation, while enhancing pancreatic β cell survival and insulin secretion. Deletion or inhibition of CaMKK2 promotes bone accrual by stimulating osteoblast-mediated bone formation and suppressing osteoclast-mediated bone resorption; however, its specific role in osteocytes, the master regulator of bone remodeling remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that conditional deletion of CaMKK2 from osteocytes enhances bone mass in 3-month-old female, but not male mice, due to suppression of osteoclasts. Conditioned media experiments and proteomics analysis revealed that female osteocytes lacking CaMKK2 suppressed osteoclast formation and function through enhanced secretion of calpastatin, a potent inhibitor of calpains, which are calciumdependent cysteine proteases that support osteoclasts. Further, to determine if CaMKK2- deficient osteocytes regulate whole-body glucose homeostasis, we placed these mice on a high-fat diet (HFD) for a period of 16 weeks. Although the diet did not significantly impact bone mass or strength, we found that conditional deletion of CaMKK2 in osteocytes enhanced bone microarchitecture in 6-month-old male and female mice. We also observed that conditional deletion of CaMKK2 from osteocytes protected male and female mice from HFD-induced obesity and insulin insensitivity. Taken together, these findings highlight CaMKK2 as a potent regulator of osteocyte-mediated modulation of bone remodeling and whole-body energy metabolism.en-USBoneCaMKK2DiabetesMetabolismOsteocytesSkeletal DiseaseCaMKK2 Signaling in Metabolism and Skeletal Disease: A New Axis with Therapeutic PotentialDissertation