United States. Department of Health and Human Services.2007-05-152007-05-152006-05United States. Department of Health and Human Services (2006). Pandemic influenza planning: a guide for individuals and families. Retrieved November 19, 2006, from the PandemicFlu.gov web site: http://www.pandemicflu.gov/plan/pdf/guide.pdfhttps://hdl.handle.net/1805/8922 pages (out of 18 pages)Guidelines for Americans to prepare for an outbreak of pandemic influenza. Part 1 contains section "Pandemic Influenza -- Get Informed. Be Prepared." Part 2 contains section "Pandemic Influenza -- Challenges and Preparation". Part 3 contains section "Pandemic Influenza -- Prevention and Treatment". Part 4 contains section "Questions and Answers". Part 5 contains sections "Pandemic Flu Planning Checklist for Individuals & Families", "Family Emergency Health Information Sheet", and "For More Information".715180 bytesapplication/pdfen-USpandemic influenzapandemic fluindividualsfamiliescommunitiesInfluenzaEpidemicsPersonsHouseholdsCommunitiesPandemic influenza planning: a guide for individuals and families. [Part 3]Book