Kroenke, KurtEvans, EricaWeitlauf, SharonMcCalley, StephaniePorter, BrianWilliams, TabeelBaye, FitsumLourens, Spencer G.Matthias, Marianne S.Bair, Matthew J.2017-12-012017-12-012017Kroenke, K., Evans, E., Weitlauf, S., McCalley, S., Porter, B., Williams, T., … Bair, M. J. (2017). Comprehensive vs. Assisted Management of Mood and Pain Symptoms (CAMMPS) trial: Study design and sample characteristics. Contemporary Clinical Trials. Pain is the most common presenting somatic symptom in medical outpatients, and depression and anxiety are the two most common mental disorders. They frequently co-occur, are under-treated, and result in substantial disability and reduced health-related quality of life. Objectives The Comprehensive vs. Assisted Management of Mood and Pain Symptoms (CAMMPS) study is a randomized comparative effectiveness trial designed to test the relative effectiveness of a lower-resource vs. a higher-resource technology-assisted intervention for the management of patients suffering from pain plus anxiety and/or depression. Methods/design CAMMPS has enrolled 294 primary care patients with chronic pain plus comorbid anxiety and/or depression and randomized them to either: 1) Assisted Symptom Management (ASM) consisting of automated symptom monitoring by interactive voice recording or Internet and prompted pain and mood self-management; or 2) Comprehensive Symptom Management (CSM) which combines ASM with optimized medication management delivered by a nurse-physician specialist team and facilitated mental health care. Outcomes are assessed at baseline, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. The primary outcome is a composite pain-anxiety-depression (PAD) severity score. Secondary outcomes include individual pain, anxiety, and depression scores, health-related quality of life, disability, healthcare utilization, and treatment satisfaction. Discussion CAMMPS provides an integrated approach to PAD symptoms rather than fragmented care of single symptoms; coordinated symptom management in partnership with primary care clinicians and psychologists embedded in primary care; efficient use of health information technology; attention to physical and psychological symptom comorbidity; and the coupling of self-management with optimized medication management and facilitated mental health care.enPublisher PolicypaindepressionanxietyComprehensive vs. Assisted Management of Mood and Pain Symptoms (CAMMPS) trial: Study design and sample characteristicsArticle