Stilwell, Barbara M.Galvin, Matthew R.Gaffney, Margaret M.2018-05-222018-05-222006 of the relationship between episodic or continuous moral malfunctioning and psychopathology is an undeveloped field in child and adolescent psychiatry. An empirically derived theory of conscience provides a normative base from which to launch such studies. This work reviews five normative stages of functioning within five domains of conscience: conceptualization, moralization of attachment, moral-emotional responsiveness, moral valuation, and moral volition. Current professional guidelines for the doctor-patient relationship, psychiatric assessment, diagnostic categorization, and treatment planning address conscience functioning sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, and sometimes not at all. A case report is provided to illustrate progress already made in conscience sensitive clinical psychiatry. Further advances may begin with consideration of proposed hypothetical models, comporting with recent research, which describe progressive impairment involving both delay and deviancy in conscience functioning.en-USPsychiatryConsciencePsychopathologyAdolescent PsychiatryMoral DevelopmentPsychiatric ImpairmentProgress in conscience-sensitive psychiatry: assessment, diagnosis and treatment planningArticle