Rogge, BenCommons, KaraHartgrove, NicholasRiha, BrendonDeal, Scott2016-08-052016-08-052011-04-08Ben Rogge, Kara Commons, Nicholas Hartgrove, and Brendon Riha (Scott Deal). (2011, April 8). IMPLEMENTATION OF SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE APPLICATIONS IN THE LIVE PERFORMANCE OF TELEMATIC ART. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2016, Indianapolis, Indiana. abstractToday's art music scene has changed quite a bit over the past 5 years, from organizing pieces solely in a computer, to performing one piece with players in 3 or more places around the world. Our imaginations can truly run rampant in what we have the capabilities to produce. IUPUI's music technology department is on the cutting edge of converging the musical and technological mediums we have available to us. This year, we have had the opportunity to work with people from all around the USA and Canada. We have collaborated with the "IUPUI Telematic Collective", "Bridging Imaginary Boundaries" at NYU, The University of Calgary, The University of Colorado, as well as IUB, and Milwaukee. It has been our job to use software like "Conference XP" (Open Source Live Audio Video Streaming), "Jacktrip" (High Fidelity Audio Streaming), and Skype (High Speed, Low Quality Video and Audio Streaming) to bring musicians, artists, dancers, and designers together to collaborate on highly evolved artistic telematic art.en-USart music sceneLIVE PERFORMANCETELEMATIC ARTSOFTWARE APPLICATIONSHARDWARE APPLICATIONSIMPLEMENTATION OF SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE APPLICATIONS IN THE LIVE PERFORMANCE OF TELEMATIC ARTPoster