Shoji, JunGoggins, William C.Wellen, Jason R.Cunningham, Patrick N.Johnston, OlwynChang, Shirley S.Solez, KimSantos, VickiLarson, Tami J.Takeuchi, MasahiroWang, Xuegong2024-09-202024-09-202024Shoji J, Goggins WC, Wellen JR, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Bleselumab in Preventing the Recurrence of Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Phase 2a, Randomized, Multicenter Study. Transplantation. 2024;108(8):1782-1792. doi:10.1097/TP.0000000000004985 Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a common cause of end-stage kidney disease and frequently recurs after kidney transplantation. Recurrent FSGS (rFSGS) is associated with poor allograft and patient outcomes. Bleselumab, a fully human immunoglobulin G4 anti-CD40 antagonistic monoclonal antibody, disrupts CD40-related processes in FSGS, potentially preventing rFSGS. Methods: A phase 2a, randomized, multicenter, open-label study of adult recipients (aged ≥18 y) of a living or deceased donor kidney transplant with a history of biopsy-proven primary FSGS. The study assessed the efficacy of bleselumab combined with tacrolimus and corticosteroids as maintenance immunosuppression in the prevention of rFSGS >12 mo posttransplantation, versus standard of care (SOC) comprising tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and corticosteroids. All patients received basiliximab induction. The primary endpoint was rFSGS, defined as proteinuria (protein-creatinine ratio ≥3.0 g/g) with death, graft loss, or loss to follow-up imputed as rFSGS, through 3 mo posttransplant. Results: Sixty-three patients were followed for 12 mo posttransplantation. Relative decrease in rFSGS occurrence through 3 mo with bleselumab versus SOC was 40.7% (95% confidence interval, -89.8 to 26.8; P = 0.37; absolute decrease 12.7% [95% confidence interval, -34.5 to 9.0]). Central-blinded biopsy review found relative (absolute) decreases in rFSGS of 10.9% (3.9%), 17.0% (6.2%), and 20.5% (7.5%) at 3, 6, and 12 mo posttransplant, respectively; these differences were not statistically significant. Adverse events were similar for both treatments. No deaths occurred during the study. Conclusions: In at-risk kidney transplant recipients, bleselumab numerically reduced proteinuria occurrence versus SOC, but no notable difference in occurrence of biopsy-proven rFSGS was observed.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAdrenal cortex hormonesImmunosuppressive agentsTacrolimusChronic kidney diseaseEfficacy and Safety of Bleselumab in Preventing the Recurrence of Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Phase 2a, Randomized, Multicenter StudyArticle