Linsenbardt, David N.Boehm, Stephen L.2016-08-122016-08-122015-04Linsenbardt, D. N., & Boehm, S. L. (2015). Relative Fluid Novelty Differentially Alters the Time Course of Limited-Access Ethanol and Water Intake in Selectively Bred High Alcohol Preferring Mice. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(4), 621–630. The influence of previous alcohol (ethanol [EtOH])-drinking experience on increasing the rate and amount of future EtOH consumption might be a genetically regulated phenomenon critical to the development and maintenance of repeated excessive EtOH abuse. We have recently found evidence supporting this view, wherein inbred C57BL/6J (B6) mice develop progressive increases in the rate of binge EtOH consumption over repeated drinking-in-the-dark (DID) EtOH access sessions (i.e., "front loading"). The primary goal of this study was to evaluate identical parameters in high-alcohol-preferring (HAP) mice to determine whether similar temporal alterations in limited-access EtOH drinking develop in a population selected for high EtOH preference/intake under continuous (24-hour) access conditions. METHODS: Using specialized volumetric drinking devices, HAP mice received 14 daily 2-hour DID EtOH or water access sessions. A subset of these mice was then given 1 day access to the opposite assigned fluid on day 15. Home cage locomotor activity was recorded concomitantly on each day of these studies. The possibility of behavioral/metabolic tolerance was evaluated on day 16 using experimenter-administered EtOH. RESULTS: The amount of EtOH consumed within the first 15 minutes of access increased markedly over days. However, in contrast to previous observations in B6 mice, EtOH front loading was also observed on day 15 in mice that only had previous DID experience with water. Furthermore, a decrease in the amount of water consumed within the first 15 minutes of access compared to animals given repeated water access was observed on day 15 in mice with 14 previous days of EtOH access. CONCLUSIONS: These data further illustrate the complexity and importance of the temporal aspects of limited-access EtOH consumption and suggest that previous procedural/fluid experience in HAP mice selectively alters the time course of EtOH and water consumption.enPublisher PolicyAlcohol DrinkinggeneticsDrinkingEthanolpharmacologyMice, Inbred StrainspsychologyRelative fluid novelty differentially alters the time course of limited-access ethanol and water intake in selectively bred high-alcohol-preferring miceArticle