Sickler, JessicaLentzner, Michelle2024-06-272024-06-272022Sickler J, Lentzner M. The audience experience of science storytelling: impact profiles from a Q methodology study. JCOM. 2022;21(1):A03. doi:10.22323/2.21010203 Story Collider applies the principles of narrative transportation to produce events that use first-person, personal stories about science to activate audience emotion, empathy, and identities. This study sought to systematically explore underlying patterns in the subjective experience of these live shows. This study combined a research framework from the performing arts with Q methodology, a method designed to capture and quantify subjectivity of personal meaning. This revealed four profiles, each representing a distinct way that one can internalize the value of science storytelling. Results highlight an opportunity within programs that operate at the nexus of science communication and the arts.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalInformal learningPublic engagement with science and technologyScience and technologyArt and literatureThe audience experience of science storytelling: impact profiles from a Q methodology studyArticle