Buttell, Frederick P.Pike, Cathy King2010-12-022010-12-022003-11Buttell, Frederick P. and Cathy K. Pike. "Investigating the differential effectiveness of a batterer treatment program on outcomes for African American and Caucasian batterers." Research on Social Work Practice 13, no. 6 (November 2003): 675-692.Buttell, Frederick P. and Cathy K. Pike. "Investigating the differential effectiveness of a batterer treatment program on outcomes for African American and Caucasian batterers." December 2, 2010. Available from IUPUI ScholarWorks. http://hdl.handle.net/1805/2322.1049-7315https://hdl.handle.net/1805/2322This post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of the article submitted to IUPUI ScholarWorks as part of the OASIS Project. Article reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Permission granted through posted policies on copyright owner’s website or through direct contact with copyright owner.Objective: This study (a) evaluated a batterer intervention program (BIP) by investigating changes in psychological variables (i.e., truthfulness, violence, lethality, control, alcohol use, drug use, and stress-coping abilities) between pretreatment and posttreatment assessments in a sample of court-mandated batterers and (b) investigated the differential effectiveness of this same BIP for African American and Caucasian batterers. Method: The study employed a onegroup pretest/posttest design, with 12-month follow-up data, to investigate changes in Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI) scores among 91 men, 57% African American, court ordered into a BIP. Results: Analysis indicated that (a) court-ordered batterers demonstrate significant changes, in the desired direction, on psychological variables related to domestic violence, as a result of participation in a court-mandated BIP and (b) there was no significant difference in changes on these psychological variables between African American and Caucasian batterers. Conclusion: Implications ofen-USCourt-Ordered BatterersDomestic ViolenceTreatment ProgramVariable between African American and Caucasian batterersAbusive men -- Behavior modification -- United StatesFamily violence -- Cross-cultural studiesInvestigating the Differential Effectiveness of a Batterer Treatment Program on Outcomes for African American and Caucasian BatterersArticle